Brexit: Hundreds of Whitehall ...
The extraordinary turnover has led to claims of ‘deep instability’ at the heart of Brexit
read moreThe extraordinary turnover has led to claims of ‘deep instability’ at the heart of Brexit
read more[Translate] Informed Comment Wind and solar keep falling in price – each fell 6% in 2016. That fall was not as big as the two...
read more[Translate] Research looking at symptoms from dizziness to breathing and vision problems said to have ‘flight safety consequences’ A...
read more[Translate] A floating tidal turbine has smashed generation records in Scotland, matching the generation capacity of offshore...
read more[Translate] Hello Friends! Spring has been a really great season for Vaxxed so we wanted to share some exciting updates from the last...
read more[Translate] The first underwater turbines are connected to Scotland’s power grid. A tidal energy turbine is loaded onto a barge in...
read more[Translate] Norwegian company Statoil is building the world’s largest offshore floating wind farm near Scotland – and it’s set to...
read more[Translate] by Alejandro Davila Fragoso CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Guinnog/Creative Commons For nearly 50 years the Longannet power...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford / Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Massive waves smash onto Chesil Beach in Dorset, southern...
read more[Translate] Climate by Ari Phillips CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: flickr/ Gordon Robertson New data from the Scottish government shows...
read more[Translate] By Paul Brown, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Atlantic waves rush ashore on the west coast of Ireland....
read more[Translate] by Ari PhillipsCLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: shutterstock On Wednesday, here the Welsh parliament voted in favor of a measure...
read more[Translate] Scotland Just Announced An Indefinite Ban On Fracking by Emily Atkin CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: shutterstock The Scottish...
read more[Translate] Juan Cole Share on reddit Posted on Jan 6, 2015 By Juan Cole TRUTHDIG Shutterstock This post originally ran on...
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