Upcycled plastic bottles are u...
Innovative design start-up Six Miles Across London Limited (small.) has just unveiled an emergency shelter made almost entirely out of upcycled plastic bottles.
read moreInnovative design start-up Six Miles Across London Limited (small.) has just unveiled an emergency shelter made almost entirely out of upcycled plastic bottles.
read more[Translate] By Liz Posner / AlterNet Photo Credit: Framlab /Mashable Winter is a brutal time for the homeless of America’s cities,...
read more[Translate] Marcus Fairs | DEZEEN.COM The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has mothballed 10,000 of IKEA’s...
read more[Translate] INHABITAT ‘insecurities: tracing displacement and shelter’ — an exhibition on view at new york’s MoMA until...
read more[Translate] Gregory Han METROPOLIS MAGAZINE Bringing eight modes of transportation together was not the only complex problem at the...
read moreCharles Lai and Takehiko Suzuki collaborated with AONA architecture studio and the One Village Focus Funds charity to deliver the design to a remote area of Nepal, where a team of four paid workers and 10 volunteers constructed the prototype.
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