[Translate] Hi Casey, Sorry to write you on a long holiday weekend, but the utilities do their dirtiest work during times like...
read more[Translate] Hi Casey, Sorry to write you on a long holiday weekend, but the utilities do their dirtiest work during times like...
read moreClimate Justice and the Debate about Community Solar on Farmland
read moreEconomic downturn? These sectors are innovating climate solutions. And they’re thriving.
read moreThe Nature Conservancy To Unlock Solar Potential On Retired Appalachian Coal Mine Land
read moreHow Clean Energy is Part of Economic Recovery after Pandemic
read moreSolar power has been growing for decades. Then coronavirus rocked the market.
read moreInside Clean Energy: A Michigan Utility Just Raised the Bar on Emissions-Cutting Plans
read moreFrom firewood to solar-powered electricity, the resources we use to power our homes have drastically changed over the past 150 years and continue to evolve today.
read moreWith waters rising around them, Pacific Islanders are marrying Space Age technology with ancestral wisdom.
read moreMillions of solar panels clustered together to form an island could convert carbon dioxide in seawater into methanol, which can fuel airplanes and trucks, according to new research from Norway and Switzerland and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, PNAS, as NBC News reported.
read moreThe world just got its energy report card … and at best, its grades are mixed.
read moreIf your zip code qualifies, the Federal Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit will pay you to go solar!
read moreBuilding solar, wind, natural gas and water infrastructure all along the U.S.–Mexico border would create economic opportunity rather than antagonism
read moreIn an arid, lunar-like landscape in the sunny highlands of northern Argentina, South America’s largest solar farm is rising, powered by funding and technology from China.
read moreThis timber elementary school and kindergarten in Switzerland boasts more than just good looks —
read moreThere are only three things certain in this world: death, taxes, and that solar is unstoppable.
read moreGenerators were making Puerto Ricans sick after Hurricane Maria. So Monxo Lopez built a solution.
read moreWhy build gas peakers when solar or wind plus energy storage is cheaper?
read morePolar ice caps are melting and thus causing higher sea levels…
read more[Translate] Are you thinking about making the switch to solar? Maybe you’d like to lower your electricity bill, or perhaps you...
read more[Translate] Regenerative News By Ken Edelstein I asked eight of my favorite green building experts one question: “What notable trends...
read more[Translate] Earth & Energy by Brad Jones Creative Commons In Brief Renewable forms of energy are better for the environment than...
read more[Translate] Lorraine Chow ECOWATCH.COM A new study from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab gives us further reason to transition...
read more[Translate] John Fitzgerald Weaver Since 1981, 36 years ago, the Phipps Bend Nuclear Power Plant in...
read more[Translate] Earth & Energy FUTURISM SunPower In Brief Renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind, have broken records...
read more[Translate] By Walter Einenkel DAILYKOS.COM So much nicer to see an impressive person playing the part of world leader While...
read more[Translate] The world built more renewables for far less money last year, report UN and Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Last year,...
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