‘Gross abuse of authority’: Ho...
‘Gross abuse of authority’: House Dems probe use of predator drones to surveil protesters
read more‘Gross abuse of authority’: House Dems probe use of predator drones to surveil protesters
read moreThe forces of wealth creation once fostered the right to be left alone. But that has changed.
read more[Translate] News & Politics A historian explains the cost of entrusting our civil liberties to secret agencies. By Albert McCoy /...
read more[Translate] Next Article Letting Go of a World in Collapse: The Conversation We’re Too Afraid to Have By Ryan Cristián Guest writer...
read more[Translate] By Daniel Chaitin WASHINGTON EXAMINER Autoplay: On | Off The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward warned on Wednesday...
read more[Translate] Contact Congress, call the FCC, and stay engaged. By Evan Malmgren THE NATION.COM The National Security Agency campus in...
read more[Translate] After Snowden: Film Considers the Future of Mass Surveillance The documentary ‘I Spy’ examines the efficacy of bulk data...
read more[Translate] Assange Promises ‘Significant’ Leak Before Election, Urges Journalists to Lend a Hand TRUTHDIG Screen shot via YouTube...
read more[Translate] SALON.COM The award-winning director of “Snowden” condemned U.S. warmongering and foreign policy in an...
read more[Translate] Posted on Jul 27, 2016 By Jordan Riefe TRUTHDIG nicolas genin / Flickr (CC-BY-SA) Controversy and Oliver Stone have...
read more[Translate] By Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson, ProPublica VIA TRUTHDIG Rob Wilson / Shutterstock This piece originally ran on...
read more[Translate] THE GUARDIAN Film-maker whose documentary about Edward Snowden won an Oscar says she has been held for hours at a time...
read more[Translate] The government has an obligation to respond to the Sunday Times report that MI6 has been forced to pull agents out of...
read more[Translate] Government agencies are increasingly ignoring and circumventing the very laws meant to hold them accountable Philip Eil ...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Juan Cole Screen shot / HBO This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s website. The US government behemoth...
read more[Translate] The 2nd Circuit’s decision on a key provision of the Patriot Act is a huge deal, expert tells Salon Elias Isquith ...
read more[Translate] Reuters WELLINGTON, March 5 (Reuters) – New Zealand has been spying electronically on its Pacific Island neighbors...
read more[Translate] Civil Liberties So-called “smart cities” are being heralded as the way of the future, but they have scary...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government by Tom Engelhardt VIA MOYERS & C0 This post first appeared at TomDispatch. Laura Poitras...
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