You’re Paying Big Oil to...
The one thing you never want to hear your dentist say is “oops!” It’s also alarming to hear from a former U.S. senator — 25 years after he passed a temporary oil subsidy for Big Oil.
read moreThe one thing you never want to hear your dentist say is “oops!” It’s also alarming to hear from a former U.S. senator — 25 years after he passed a temporary oil subsidy for Big Oil.
read moreCongress is set to pass one of the most blatant pieces of corporate welfare in years.
read moreThese captains of American capitalism are brazenly ignoring their responsibility to their own nation, a nation in desperate need of funding for education and infrastructure and job training.
read moreTaxing the superrich is an idea whose time has come — again.
read more[Translate] Subscribe to Hightower’s Radio Lowdown with your favorite podcast a What’s happening to America? I mean the big...
read more[Translate] David Leonhardt Photo People protesting against the Republican tax on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. Credit Tom Brenner/The...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Republicans have long dreamed of destroying the social safety net once and for all. By Neal Gabler /...
read more[Translate] Economy Could congressional Democrats be showing their fealty to corporate America? By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet Photo...
read more[Translate] Timothy Egan NYTIMES Photo Visitors to Zion National Park in August. Credit Ruth Fremson/The New York Times America’s...
read more[Translate] Economy & Work The Nobel Prize winner argues that an economy dominated by large corporations has failed the many and...
read more[Translate] News & Politics The president wants us to believe we pay huge rates and that cuts spur growth. It’s all hooey....
read more[Translate] The road to Scandinavia in Maryland. By Ann Jones / TomDispatch VIA ALTERNET Photo Credit: Rena Schild /...
read more[Translate] Wall Street banks typically pay much less than the official 35 percent corporate tax rate. And yet after attacking...
read more[Translate] Personal Health Without Obamacare, Republicans are left with zilch. By Robert Reich / Robert Reich’s Blog US...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. By Sen. Bernie Sanders / AlterNet...
read more[Translate] Dave Johnson OUR FUTURE.ORG Sen. Charles Schumer’s (D-Wall Street) is expected to become the Democratic leader in the...
read more[Translate] NYTIMES By ELIZABETH WARREN Photo Credit Lucas Jackson/Reuters WASHINGTON — APPLE got a big surprise last week when the...
read more[Translate] (Photo: Roberto Raimondo)PAUL BUCHHEIT FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT The concept of “freedom” is at the...
read more[Translate] Economy Europe knows what undermines economic stability, says author Steven Hill. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet Photo...
read more[Translate] World “We can be very optimistic. Things like this have happened before and they’ve been overcome.” By Noam...
read more[Translate] by Robin Claremont MOYERS & COMPANY This post first appeared at the Campaign for America’s Future blog,...
read more[Translate] Money & Politics You don’t necessarily have to pass a bill to get something done in Washington. How...
read more[Translate] World One of the biggest leaks in history exposes how global elites and their relatives hide money in offshore tax...
read more[Translate] Terrance Heath AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Whether you believe Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is an “electable”...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 The budget Congress just passed for next year offers a nightmarish blueprint. By Steven Rosenfeld /...
read more[Translate] AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Dean Baker This week marks the fifth anniversary of the flash crash. For those who...
read more[Translate] Americans for a Safe Future Robin Claremont Today is Tax Day, and millions of Americans are scrambling to file their...
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