Trump is gathering up an ‘ille...
Trump is gathering up an ‘illegal’ army to send to the polls — but not to vote
read moreTrump is gathering up an ‘illegal’ army to send to the polls — but not to vote
read moreTrump just gave away the game on his November plan to manipulate the election results
read moreHere are 6 signs Trump may use DHS stormtroopers to stop Democrats from voting
read moreThe Moral and Strategic Calculus of Voting for Joe Biden to Defeat Trump — or Not
read moreZi Chua spent much of her summer vacation knocking on doors…
read more[Translate] PostEverything WASHINGTON POST We’re inclined to compromise. But if we want to hold this administration...
read more[Translate] Opinion By The Editorial Board The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher....
read more[Translate] News & Politics “If we reelect the same Democratic Party that we had going into this mess, then we’re...
read more[Translate] Activism We are taking a deep breath today and making a list. By Staff Broad Breasted White turkeys stand...
read more[Translate] by Michael Riley and Jordan Robertson BLOOMBERG Attackers said to take measure of voting systems, databases A ‘red...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 The Republican Party platform lays out an agenda that could sail through Congress. By Steven Rosenfeld /...
read more[Translate] Republicans would make it easier to steal an election by killing the Election Assistance Commission. By Ari Berman THE...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 They crushed the opposition by as much as 24 to 1. By Branko Marcetic / AlterNet Photo Credit: DonkeyHotey...
read more[Translate] By LIONEL SHRIVER NYTIMES Photo Credit Benoit Tardif Midway through my opening address for the Brisbane Writers Festival...
read more[Translate] The system indeed is rigged, but that doesn’t make elections impossible to win. By David Morris / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] If legalization is your state’s ballot this year, make you vote count Desirae Hoover, AlterNet This Friday, Dec....
read more[Translate] Election 2016 Some may argue that voting for a third party is a principled stand. But could it really be just wasteful...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government 2016 is shaping up to be a big year for ballot measures. By Gail Ablow A reader, Mary...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 The Sanders campaign is over, and we are left with the centrist Democrat as the only option to save the...
read more[Translate] Here’s what you need to know about new regulations, absentee voting and getting the facts on candidates’...
read more[Translate] By Matt Stannard, | Report Florida International University Solar House at Engineering Campus. Florida has...
read more[Translate] by Alice Ollstein THINK PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Troy Wayrynen Naomi Scott, center, of McMinnville, Oregon, takes a...
read more[Translate] By Tim Hains REAL CLEAR POLITICS (Update/clarification: This situation escalated out of control when Roberta...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government Bernie Sanders’ popular campaign suggests that many Americans aren’t afraid of socialism...
read more[Translate] By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Video Report Voters head to the polls today in New York for both the Democratic and...
read more[Translate] by Stephen WolfFollow for Daily Kos Elections States where Democrats could gain from redistricting reform ballot...
read more[Translate] If those affected by foreclosure were a voting bloc, we’d treat the crisis as the ongoing emergency that it is...
read more[Translate] THINK PROGRESS by Kira Lerner CREDIT: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite New Hampshire’s highest court on Friday struck down...
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