Ex-CIA agent Valerie Plame war...
The identity of the intelligence community whistleblower who made a formal complaint about President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky remains unknown.
read moreThe identity of the intelligence community whistleblower who made a formal complaint about President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky remains unknown.
read more[Translate] “This precedent means that any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the United States for having...
read more[Translate] Mr. Fish / Truthdig The failure on the part of establishment media to defend Julian Assange, who has been trapped in the...
read more[Translate] Consortiumnews Independent Investigative Journalism Since 1995 June 9, 2018 • Julian Assange remains cut off from the...
read more[Translate] By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Opioid-related statistics reveal the U.S. has an enormous...
read more[Translate] by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News If you are getting a flu shot this season, chances are that those who are...
read more[Translate] by Tyler Durden ZEROHEDGE.COM Authored by Chris Hedges via TruthDig.com, [4] The ruling elites, who grasp that the...
read more[Translate] by WashingtonsBlog The Constitution, Magna Carta and Democracy Itself Are Based on the Idea that – Without Checks and...
read more[Translate] Next Article Letting Go of a World in Collapse: The Conversation We’re Too Afraid to Have By Ryan Cristián Guest writer...
read more[Translate] GLENN GREENWALD, THE INTERCEPT President Trump’s national security adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn, was forced to resign on...
read more[Translate] By Julian Assange In recent months, WikiLeaks and I personally have come under enormous pressure to stop publishing what...
read more[Translate] Posted on Jul 27, 2016 By Jordan Riefe TRUTHDIG nicolas genin / Flickr (CC-BY-SA) Controversy and Oliver Stone have...
read more[Translate] The Energy Department lets its private contractors police themselves, producing “chilled work environments” in which...
read more[Translate] By John Kiriakou TRUTHDIG Hillary Clinton had a private email server at her home that she used for government...
read more[Translate] By Alexander Nazaryan NEWSWEEK U.S. Radioactive Material Washington The Hanford Nuclear Reservation sits on the plains of...
read more[Translate] The top 3 things that #VAXXED is not: a movie review Levi Quackenboss I had the honor of watching a screener of VAXXED:...
read more[Translate] By Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson, ProPublica VIA TRUTHDIG Rob Wilson / Shutterstock This piece originally ran on...
read more[Translate] This is an astonishing interview. The public statements made by Dr. Wakefield here were some of the most damning...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Juan Cole Screen shot / HBO This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s website. The US government behemoth...
read more[Translate] Reuters WELLINGTON, March 5 (Reuters) – New Zealand has been spying electronically on its Pacific Island neighbors...
read more[Translate] By Jennifer Swann | Takepart.com Awards show speeches often double as political platforms, but one notable film...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government by Tom Engelhardt VIA MOYERS & C0 This post first appeared at TomDispatch. Laura Poitras...
read more[Translate] By David Swanson WAR IS A CRIME.ORG What the U.S. government does openly is many times worse than anything it can be...
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