The War on Assange Is a War on...
[Translate] Mr. Fish / Truthdig The failure on the part of establishment media to defend Julian Assange, who has been trapped in the...
read more[Translate] Mr. Fish / Truthdig The failure on the part of establishment media to defend Julian Assange, who has been trapped in the...
read more[Translate] Jerome Corsi | INFOWARS.COM This article is Part 2 in a series of three articles investigating the Seth Rich murder. Part...
read moreThe Trump administration wants to arrest Julian Assange…..
read more[Translate] The president’s secret request for intelligence spending will signal his intentions toward the CIA and the “deep...
read more[Translate] Anything goes is official policy, rule of law principles circumvented. Edward Snowden earlier said he hoped his...
read more[Translate] Releases Documents Contents • Press Release • Analysis • Examples • Frequently Asked Questions Press...
read more[Translate] by Tyler Durden ZEROHEDGE.COM WikiLeaks has published what it claims is the largest ever release of confidential...
read more[Translate] Glenn Greenwald THE INTERCEPT Photo: Alexander Utkin/AFP/Getty Images Glenn Greenwald October 11 2016, 6:14 a.m. Donald...
read more[Translate] Glenn Greenwald THE INTERCEPT The Washington Post late Friday night published an explosive story that, in many ways, is...
read more[Translate] By Julian Assange In recent months, WikiLeaks and I personally have come under enormous pressure to stop publishing what...
read more[Translate] Lee FangZaid JilaniAlex EmmonsNaomi LaChance Excerpts of Hillary Clinton’s remarks during paid speeches to Goldman Sachs,...
read more[Translate] Assange Promises ‘Significant’ Leak Before Election, Urges Journalists to Lend a Hand TRUTHDIG Screen shot via YouTube...
read more[Translate] by Simon Wood COUNTERPUNCH.ORG “Objective journalism is one of the main reasons that American politics has been allowed...
read more[Translate] By John Pilger TRUTHDIG dedevanderroove / CC BY 2.0 This piece originally appeared in Counterpunch. John Pilger...
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