Every morning I wake up, and every evening right before I fall asleep, a thought enters my mind about all the children around the world who will receive or have received vaccines that day. The thought nags at me… until I finally get up or doze off. It’s a huge number of kids whose lives are being subjected to medical Russian roulette.
According to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “More than 10 million vaccines per year are given to children less than 1 year old, usually between 2 and 6 months of age.”1 The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated in 2013 that about 84%, or roughly 112 million, of infants around the world received three doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine that year.2
So it’s safe to say that tens of thousands of babies are being vaccinated with many different kinds of killed bacterial and live virus vaccines every single day. If you include older children, then we’re talking in the hundreds of thousands. That’s an awful lot of kids getting an awful lot of vaccines containing not only killed bacteria and attenuated viruses but also other ingredients like heavy metals (mercury and aluminum); animal (and human fetal) tissue DNA; chemicals like formaldelyde, polysorbate 80, MSG, phenooxyethanol, sodium borate and MSG; allergens like gelatin, yeast protein, egg albumin, lactose, antibiotics and so much more.3 And the process will be repeated over and over again over the course of many years.
We are told that most of these children will not suffer any serious side effects—”adverse events”—from the vaccines, and we are assured that most of the ones that do occur are purely coincidental and not related to the vaccines. In their 1985 landmark book DPT: A Shot In The Dark, authors Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher wrote:
Most physicians have a difficult time accepting the documented fact that a medical procedure designed to save lives can, in some instances, actually take or ruin lives. There is a tendency to deny that vaccine damage exists at all, and a desire to put the blame for injury on some other cause.
As the West German physician Wolfgang Ehrengut suggested in one of his studies (1980), it may be that doctors have a negative bias against vaccine reactions, an unwillingness to believe, because “what must not be, therefore, cannot be.” It must not be true because, they think, what will we do if it is true?4
The problem is that, in most cases after a child is vaccinated there is no way of knowing for sure if the vaccine caused harm, because there is a general acceptance among medical doctors that if a child looks fine immediately after a vaccination, then there’s nothing to worry about. It’s a strange kind of logic that was referenced by author Rachel Carson in her book Silent Spring (1962)…
We are accustomed to look for the gross and immediate effect and to ignore all else. Unless this appears promptly, we deny the existence of hazard. Even research men suffer from the handicap of inadequate methods of detecting the beginnings of injury. The lack of sufficiently delicate methods to detect injury before symptoms appear is one of the great unsolved problems in medicine.5
You would think that physicians would know better than to assume that simply because someone does not show obvious symptoms immediately after being injected with a powerful bioactive pharmaceutical product doesn’t mean that all is well. This is certainly not the paradigm in which they operate with regard to prescription drugs. Let me stop here for emphasis. Vaccines are pharmaceuticals, biological drugs. They’re not sugar water or saline solution.
Thus, you would think that doctors would want to closely watch for any signs of possible reactions, be they mild or serious. You would think that they would want to monitor their patients for days, weeks, even months, and that they would be thoroughly receptive to the possibility that vaccines might be the cause of any reactions. But that’s not often the case.
This gets to the conundrum we’re facing, and that is that most doctors don’t seem to understand or believe that vaccines are powerful bioactive pharmaceutical products. Many of them would be at a loss to tell you the ingredients of the vaccines they are injecting daily into the bodies of their patients. Nor could they tell you what role each ingredient serves within each vaccine. Nor could they tell you the potential negative impact of each ingredient on the brain, the immune system, or the gut.
It is this lack of basic knowledge and a seeming lack interest in acquiring it that Coulter and Fisher maintained is at the heart of so much unnecessary suffering with regard to vaccines.
This negative bias, this denial that vaccines can cause death and injury, has had devastating consequences for mothers and their children. Because many doctors refuse to believe in vaccine reactions, mothers have never been told to watch for reactions. Consequently, they do not look for signs indicating their child may be reacting neurologically.
The root of a substantial amount of vaccine damage is ignorance on the part of doctors and mothers.4
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