Aug 1, 2016 by

Rev. Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir, Organizer

Our map will expose 100,000 toxic sites where Monsanto’s Roundup and Glyphosate are sprayed in parks, playgrounds and public spaces. Over 13.42 billion pounds of Glyphosate have been sprayed on our planet in the past decade. Glyphosate use has risen exponentially since the introduction of genetically modified crops.


The EPA is holding a public hearing on glyphosate on October 18th. We want to present our map as evidence. Scientific studies show that Glyphosate is carcinogenic and toxic. Glyphosate is persistent in our blood, bodies, soil and water. It is in our breast milk and most organic foods. It is ubiquitous. Glyphosate has been linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, birth defects, celiac disease, allergies and asthma.


It only costs one dollar to reveal one public place that has been sprayed with our tax dollars.  One dollar includes paying for the public record, scanning, entering, uploading and placing one skull and crossbones on our map.


Seeing is believing. We’ve already made maps for New York City, San Francisco, Portland, OR, Seattle-Tacoma area, Philadelphia and California Public Schools.


We filed Freedom of Information requests in 100 towns and cities. We requested public records showing every site where public employees spray Monsanto’s RoundUp and other herbicides containing Glyphosate in parks, playgrounds and public spaces.


Local advocates use our interactive maps in their ban-the-poison activism. Scientists recently projected our maps in a congressional hearing and for EPA officials.


We are currently in possession of more than 5,000 pages of Glyphosate spraying records. We expect more than 100,000 Glyphosate records are on their way to us. In Texas alone, we have identified more than 6,000 public places that have been sprayed with Glyphosate.


About Us

We are Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, a radical creative community based in New York City. Our fight against Glyphosate is a campaign for human health and the health of animals, insects, soil, water and the multitude of life systems on this beautiful Earth.


We have been resisting the monoculture for 15 years. We have staged actions from The British Museum to The San Fernando Valley in California to Monsanto’s World Headquarters in Saint Louis to Manhattan’s Central Park. We have campaigned against mountaintop removal, gentrification, police brutality, pipelines and climate change. Our tactics include performance, civil disobedience, media making, cell phone operas and cartography.


Learn More

phone: 415-259-7121

email: revbilly@revbilly.com

maps: www.revbilly.com/maps

website: www.revbilly.com

music: www.soundcloud.com/revbilly

book: http://www.citylights.com/book/?GCOI=8728610027

video: www.youtube.com/revbillytalen

twitter: www.twitter.com/revbillytalen

facebook: www.facebook.com/revbilly

instagram: www.instragram.com/revbillytalen

weekly radio show: www.revbilly.com/radioshow

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1 Comment

  1. Glad people are waking up to the real terrorists.


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