The third season of VICE on HBO premieres tonight, cialis and the star of the very first episode is — you guessed it! — Shane Smith climate change! Smith, diagnosis founder of the now-massive media company, viagra has made climate change his preferred cause célèbre in recent years. After measuring melting ice in Greenland last season, he’s At It Again with trips to West Antarctica and Bangladesh: West Antarctica being where the most ice is melting the fastest, and Bangladesh being where sea-level rise is most apparently already fucking people over.A lot of this is pretty standard Climate Change 101 — i.e. chunks of glaciers breaking off and melting into a warming sea at an alarming and unstoppable rate; people in the coastal villages of developing countries being forced to change their lives and abandon their livelihoods entirely. Given the fact that millions of Americans still don’t believe in climate change, this isn’t a bad thing. The episode is worth watching for the details: bits of paternal wisdom from America’s Handsy Grandpa Joe Biden; a brief but truly heartbreaking interview with a Bangladeshi woman (excerpt: “There is no future, and you guys can’t even fix this problem”); an inside look into the insanity that is a climate change deniers’ conference (in Las Vegas, because of course it is).
For your Friday dose of rage, watch a clip from that particular summit of (surprise!) crotchety old white men below:
And to watch the full episode, tune into HBO (or log into your ex-roommate’s boyfriend’s sister-in-law’s HBOGo account) at 10 11 p.m. EST tonight.
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