Namaste and Happy Full Moon!
I’m going to divide this month’s newsletter in sections. First, I’m going to discuss the current energy. After that, I will go over some predictions. And finally, I will be channeling some higher dimensional information for everyone.
Current Energy:
The Lion’s Gate of August 8, 2021, created an unbelievable expansion of energy as well as a rocket fueled push towards the 5D. I encourage you to take a deep breath, unplug from the narrative of the 3D matrix, and begin to notice the subtle or not so subtle changes going on around you. When we step off the merry go round of fear and control and step into nature and love, the magic we are witnessing is awe inspiring! One thing I can share with you that I have experienced in this new energy is a form of telepathy that made my jaw drop. I’m sure all of you have noticed how your smart phones conveniently show you ads about products you spoke about while in ear shot of your phone. This happens frequently. What happened with me though is that I merely thought about something, and it magically appeared on my phone! I was holding my phone and thinking to myself that I need to research the types of plants that are best used to purify the air. The next thing I knew, an article had popped up on my phone about the best house plants for air purification! These are the types of amazing events we will experience in the 5th density!
I encourage you to put forth the intention to notice the magical otherworldly types of events happening around you as well. However, it’s impossible to notice this magic when we are plugged into the mainstream media or social media, or any other lower vibrational energies. This is one reason I find such bliss and passion in teaching others to use their intuition. We have been given a navigational compass to know and find our way. Yet, when we stay on the hamster wheel of fear, we cannot possibly tune into our intuitive guidance. We miss so much along the way! Our beautiful Mother Earth is filled with magic.
In my award-winning book Secrets of the Secret, I discuss how our thoughts directly affect our reality. The unbelievable experience I had using telepathy to run an internet search on my phone is a glimpse and a reminder of how vital it is for us to focus on positive thoughts during these evolutionary times.
Spoiler alert! I’m going to share with you how all this ends. The LIGHT wins. We are witnessing the dark before the dawn and it is going to get intense over the next few months and into 2022. The golden key is to remain centered and calm. Let me repeat this. Remain centered and calm. Do not allow yourself to ride the waves of drama. Do not believe all you hear on the news. Do not believe all you read on google or any mainstream news channels. There is an agenda.
At the current moment earth resides in a 3rd dimensional frequency. Many are walking between both worlds and back and forth in mere seconds, however the reality of the 3rd dimension is still very much where most humans exist. Believe it or not, we all chose to incarnate during these times of evolution. It is the ending of a very long cycle and the beginning of a new one. Birthing pains are not pleasant. We are traveling through the birth canal at great speed. When we get to the birthing and re-birthing moment, some of those around you now will have chosen (with their own free will) a different birthing plan. Our reality is being split into two worlds. Spirit has shown me that it takes some more time before the two worlds do split, but the momentum is building towards this reality. I have been told by Spirit that the years 2023-2025 are pivotal in the final creation of the New Earth. Timelines are frequently changing so it’s best to put our focus on the NOW.
One of the visions my Guides showed me in 2019 was this. There are two high speed trains traveling side by side on tracks that are within several feet of each other. One train plays news clips of death and destruction constantly reminding everyone to stay in the lower vibrations of fear. The news clips change depending on the current narrative, but the plot is always the same. Fear life and stay in the energy of chaos. The other train is playing 432 HZ and 528 HZ music and mixing in some disco music from time to time just because fun and laughter raises our frequency! The people on this train are loving life and living life. They are filled with joy, gratitude, and excitement about the destination their train is traveling in, yet they are mainly enjoying the energy of the NOW.
Some of your friends and loved ones are on the other train yet you can still see them through the train windows. You can wave at them however you feel a bit distant because the people on the other train have vastly different views, beliefs, and energy patterns than you do. You don’t know all the people on your train, but you feel a kinship with them. When you tune into their auric fields, they easily blend with your own. My Guides then told me. Prepare yourselves. Some of your friends and loved ones are going to choose a different train than the one you have chosen. They showed me a date in the future where the trains veered off in opposite directions. I cried and grieved this vision for days. As a human in 3rd density, this was tragic for me to see and feel.
Looking back on this vision from 2 years ago, I believe we are on the trains now. However, I also believe there will be rest stations along the way where we can choose with our own free will to get on the other train. And honestly all of this is simply an illusion anyway. A hologram that we have chosen for our individual soul’s growth and evolution. When we shift our awareness to the higher frequencies, we understand that we are all connected anyway no matter what train you have chosen. Sometimes, psychics are shown visions that help prepare us for human experiences we may be facing. After all, with proper awareness, we can be anchored and grounded.
When we take a moment to reflect on the last several thousand-year histories of our planet, there has been control of the masses through wars and false narratives. This isn’t conspiracy, it’s historical reality. Think about this. If everyone chooses to use their own intuition and guidance and unplugs from the matrix of the 3D, those billionaires of the (dark forces) will lose everything. Most of them make their fortunes through lies, manipulation, deceit, and false narratives. When we are not using our intuition and we are plugged into the movie narrative of what those who control the world want us to believe, we create neural pathways in our brains that do not serve our highest good. I teach about neural pathways in my Intuitive Soul Development programs. Science has proven these pathways exist in our brains. It’s up to us to short circuit the neural pathways that tell us the same negative story repeatedly. We can choose to create new neural pathways in our brains that focus on love and positivity, as well as naturally flowing intuitive guidance.
I encourage you to take another deep breath before reading the predictions section of my newsletter. Parts or sections may trigger some of you. You may have deep beliefs that go against what I am sharing with you about what I have seen as a Psychic. All I can do is speak my truth and share my visions with others who have chosen the free will to read or listen. If what I have to say doesn’t resonate with you or your truth, then feel free to walk in another direction. However, sometimes when we are triggered over something, this is the Universe offering us an opportunity for growth.
If you choose to skip the predictions section, there is a beautiful channeling at the end of the newsletter.
#1. Covid 19 was manmade to be used as a bioweapon. Spirit showed this to me in early 2020 when we started hearing about this virus. Spirit showed me then that there would eventually be a mandated vaccine, and I was warned early on the shot was not safe. Some of you may remember me speaking out about this. What I write next may trigger some of you who have the neural pathways in your brains to believe the shot is our only hope. I still stand by my prediction 19 months later. Scientists and doctors are now attempting to speak out about the dangers; however, censorship is alive and well. Google is censored. Facebook and YouTube are censored. It’s not surprising to me why so many are still in the mindset that the shots are safe, because all they are reading every day is from the narrative put forth by mainstream media, Facebook, and YouTube. If you want to know the proof and watch videos from thousands of doctors and scientists from all over the world, use duckduckgo as your search engine as it’s not censored. Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, has been brave enough to speak out from the beginning on the medical dangers of these shots. I have read her books for years and always loved her spirit and fearlessness. According to her research over ½ a million people have had adverse reactions to the shot so far. I could write another 3 pages giving you links to listen to other doctors, as well. Everyone can find these links themselves when you know where to search.
When the general public finally learns the truth of the toxic poisons in these shots, there will be an uprising of sorts. My prediction almost 2 years ago is that the shots would cause miscarriages and sterility in some. We are already witnessing the miscarriage rates skyrocketing from those who took the shot. Of course, this is not going to affect everyone. Some thankfully were given placebos and they will not experience any health challenges. Some have a different genetic makeup and underlying health issues, and these people will sadly receive the brunt of the physical problems.
I was also shown reduced immune systems in those who chose to take the shot. Whether you took the shot or not, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and NAC are “must haves” daily at this time. Disclaimer: I’m not a physician so please check with your personal doctor or nurse practitioner on the right supplements in the proper dosage for you to boost your immune system and keep it healthy.
The truth of the matter from what Spirit showed me is this. There are quite a few modalities that have been shown to cure this virus. The sad part is that most MDs only regurgitate what they have learned from medical school which is funded by Big Pharma. Many of the MD’s who are speaking out against the shot are doing it quietly as they do not want to be ostracized from society. I can tell you that I have heard from a very large number of people including friends and family members who said their doctor told them “Off the record” not to take the shot. Quite a few people I know took Hydroxychloroquine when they got covid and were better in days. My nurse practitioner has prescribed ivermectin with a 100% success rate. Dr. Kory spoke yesterday at a senate hearing passionately asking the NIH to review their success rates with ivermectin.
However, what you will see from the mainstream media is ridicule over someone using this medication. Ask yourself why this would be? Why would they be told to report blatant falsities on a medication that has been around for so very long and is having remarkable results? Money and control. That’s why. Big Pharma doesn’t make millions of dollars on these medications. These treatment options do not support the money from the patent that was granted on covid many years ago. Please stop for a moment and ask yourself this? Why would anyone be able to get a patent on a virus? Patents are not allowed on naturally occurring substances. Therefore, this is proof alone the virus was manmade. It’s not easy to find the patent online, however, it is available for those who wish to read it. It is difficult for most of us to wrap our heads around such evil.
There will continue to be a spike in cases since the virus is mutating. A vaccine has never been effective against a virus that continues to mutate. What they have on the market is not a vaccine anyway. The scientist who discovered mRNA is speaking out against the dangers of injecting this.
In early 2020, I was shown heart attacks and stroke type issues for many who took the shot. This is happening in shocking numbers. However, the mainstream narrative will tell you that the shots are safe. They will tell you that the 30-year-old who was healthy and died within days of the shot was due to “other issues”. Some of the most heartbreaking to me are the people who now have bell’s palsy yet were perfectly healthy before the shot. There are websites where you can watch some of their videos as they are trying to speak out and warn people.
My point is this. Do not allow a Psychic, a billboard, or someone from the news to tell you what to inject or not inject in your body. I’m simply discussing a prediction I made a very long time ago and I’m saying that we have started to see my prediction playing out and we will continue to do so. There are plenty of articles and videos from MD’S, for each person to watch to make an informed decision for themselves. However, since we have censorship in play, it takes a bit more ingenuity to locate these articles and videos.
The good news is this. For those of you who have chosen the path of taking the shot, there will be available protocols to bypass the dangers. Some quantum healers have already channeled ways to bring the field back to divine alignment.
#2. There will be a food shortage. I have been saying this for months. Please stock up on food and water. Don’t forget to stock up for your furry babies as well.
#3. I do see a short time where vaccines and vaccine passports are mandated everywhere. The vaccine passport for air travel will be short lived because enough people will finally be aware of the toxicity of these shots. Short lived is a relative term though. It feels like some travel restrictions will begin to lift in the spring of 2022. However, I don’t see them lifting for a lot of international travel until July or August of 2022. There are online petitions we can sign for medical freedom if you so choose. Maybe we can shift the timeline to an earlier date to lift the restrictions if enough people put their energy towards this.
#4. I don’t have a good feeling about the month of September. I would not recommend air travel during this month if you can avoid it. My husband and I had plans to travel by air in September and Spirit urged us to cancel the trip, so we did. I feel there is something building around the anniversary of 911. I would recommend if you were going to travel to do it prior to September 10th. We may not see if play out on that day, however, something is being planned. Seeds are planted. Spirit is telling me to be aware of another false flag.
#5. Sadly, I see people turning on their friends, families, and neighbors over the division created by the vaccine mandates. I urge you not to climb on that band wagon even if you are someone who believes in the shots. Creating division over fear and hate is a well-played out symphony from our mainstream narrative. Think back over our history to other times this was used to create excessive division. The Jewish people, the witch trials, native Americans, people of color, Japanese people during World War 2, and countless other examples. I invite you not to be a pawn in their game of chess. We can respectfully disagree with each other on issues. However, what I am shown in my visions over this, is a bit startling. There is no reason to shame or ridicule someone who has made a free will choice that is different from the one someone else made. Even the seemingly innocent memes meant to be funny over this issue are doing serious damage and playing into the collective energy of this great divide.
#6. An attempt to shut down more small businesses. The dark agenda is to create a world where our shopping choice is Amazon. Small businesses who thrive are not something the dark forces want to witness. If you are a small business, start thinking about ways you can be essential. If you don’t believe what I am saying about an agenda, then please think about this for a moment. How can a liquor store be essential during a pandemic, yet a yoga studio is not? How can a home improvement chain be essential, yet a salt cave that has tremendous respiratory benefits including boosting the immune system and lung health, is not? Has covid been trained not to enter liquor stores, home improvement stores, or Walmart? It’s absurd. Our Yoga and Wellness Center was shut down by police who showed up at our business with an order, because “someone” had deemed us non-essential. I guess if we had added bourbon or vodka to our wellness products, we would have been deemed essential. I digress. Let me get back to my prediction. I see more attempts coming towards bankrupting additional small businesses. I encourage you to please support local where you live.
#7. Beware of a false flag narrative surrounding the “dangers of E.T.’s”. Spirit has shown me this vision as well. Mainstream media is now dropping small breadcrumbs to the masses about how aliens exist. In the future, this will be yet another fear and control mechanism if humanity allows it. I have personally seen galactic ships since I was a child. I promise you they are far more advanced than we are and if they wanted to harm us, they would have done so already! Personally, if I had the choice to be in a dark alley with an alien or most senators, my choice would be a no brainer!
In closing this section of the newsletter, remember this. Our breath is our life force. Please don’t forget this. Remind yourself to breathe deeply and get out in nature as much as possible to practice your breathwork. Our breathe is a huge key that propels us towards the New Earth. This is one reason yoga and meditation are key elements during these changes.
My Channeling by Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light August 23, 2021:
Our galactic brothers and sisters let us rejoice in the celebration of the preparation you are in for the graduation of another earth cycle. So many of you have experienced previous incarnational cycles of death and rebirth. The energy of this period may feel familiar yet still challenging. Do not worry as we are with you. We are watching this unfold and assisting in every way possible in the confines of free will. The most uplifting and important advice we can impart to you is this. Reality is based on dimensional frequency. Our beloved earth brothers and sisters, we want to remind you that you are Creators of your individual realities. What reality are you creating in this present moment? There are many Spiritual Laws of the Universe, but the one we are asking you to focus on at this time is the Law of Vibration. Are you vibrating in an energy of fear and if so, how easily are you able to create in this energy field? Conversely, are you vibrating in an energy of Love and Faith? Death is not to be feared as there is no physical death. Those of us residing in the higher frequencies are here to teach you to keep your vibration cemented in Love and Gratitude. Living on your Gaia is such a blessing. Are you enjoying the pleasures and the beauty? When you vibrate in a frequency of Love, creations are limitless.
Love your fellow humans. The bond and strength of unity cannot be broken. If we could show you how easy it is to ascend to the 4th, 5th, and even 6th dimensions, some of you would be astonished.
Preparations are being made for the final shift. It is imperative you keep your vibrations high even when everything you see around you feels chaotic. Our brothers and sisters, this is only perceived chaos. The tool we can offer you for your final destination is to recognize the hologram of the 3rd density. The polarity. There is slight polarity in the 4th and 5th dimension, however, the extent of the intensity is not as vast.
For those of you who are open to our assistance and energies, we are connecting with you. Many of you are from other galaxies and star systems. When you breathe in love and appreciation, you will feel our energy blending with your own. It is also in our best interest to witness and assist in this density graduation. There has always been free will. Does your soul choose the evolution to the New Earth? Or does your soul desire more conflict and lessons provided in great abundance by the matrix of 3rd density? The choice is yours to make. We rejoice with those who choose to walk boldly through the veils to join us!
Your physical earthly bodies will be enduring tremendous changes in the coming months. Ascension requires bodies filled with more Light and less density. It is important to rest the human vessel. The coming days, weeks, and months will be monumental in the changes even on a cellular level. You may find yourself experiencing unfamiliar and sometimes unpleasant physical symptoms and emotions. You may experience peculiar actions from some people around you. Do not engage in the turmoil some will create. Rather, rise above the frequency of division and separation. Shine your Light bright and revere your soul’s journey during these extraordinary changes.
We send you a Lightwave frequency of peace to carry with you. Allow this frequency to shield you from lower vibrations. Know you are loved.
Infinite Blessings
Jill M Jackson
P.S. I am not offering private readings at this time. If you need a recommendation for a Psychic or a Medium, please email me and I will send a few options to choose from. |
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