Regular Use of Ivermectin as P...
[Translate] Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate a...
read more[Translate] Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate a...
read more[Translate] Blog Hikes Newsroom Resources ACT DONATE RENEW on July 12 2022 Green River, Michael Collier by Michael Toll, Staff...
read more[Translate] In focus 3 min read Damian Carrington With climate-driven heatwaves, wildfire and floods striking around the world, you...
read more[Translate] Opinion The rise of increasingly radical police forces inspired by radical sheriffs across the nation poses real dangers...
read more[Translate] Oliver Milman In mid-June, a ferocious “heat dome” brought roasting temperatures to much of the US, placing around a...
read more[Translate] Please find the attached Report and documents pertaining to work of Black Mesa Trust. Thank you for your continued verbal...
read more[Translate] 1. At the time of the American Revolution, there were about 500,000 enslaved Black people in the U.S. By 1860, there were...
read more[Translate] Dear Casey Coates, The federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour has not been raised since 2009. That’s 13 years, the longest...
read more[Translate] During the first weeks of the pandemic but especially after many months of uncertainty, we long to step outside our...
read more[Translate] (scienceandnature) HEALTH SCIENCE BY DR. YUHONG DONG AND HEALTH 1+1 TIMEJUNE 3, 2022 PRINT A Stanford University study...
read more[Translate] sharecomments1539 sharecomments489 (Billion Photos/Shutterstock) HEALTH VIEWPOINTS By Joseph Mercola May 16,...
read more[Translate] Stephen Janis & Taya Graham <> 11:35 AM (14 minutes ago) to casey We never take...
read more[Translate] 8:30 AM (4 hours ago) to casey ICAN attorneys and research staff watch every meeting of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related...
read more[Translate] April 26, 2022 Categories: Environmental Protection & Climate Change, Hunting and Fishing (Treaty Rights,...
read more[Translate] Sunday 17 April 2022 I Dream a World I dream a world where man No other man will scorn, Where love will...
read more[Translate] 4:07 AM (6 hours ago) to casey Fiona Harvey That was the stark verdict of the final instalment of the most important...
read more[Translate] The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is considering a proposed decision to gut our...
read more[Translate] Opinion An expert discusses the many consequences of accusations that Russia has committed war crimes in Ukraine....
read more[Translate] 7 of 60,107 Inbox County of Los Angeles <> Wed, Mar 30, 10:27 AM (6 days ago)...
read more[Translate] Security and ecological imperatives converge 1 APRIL 2022, ROY MORRISON Green hydrogen can be combined with other forms...
read more[Translate] ICAN beats Covid Vaccine Mandate in Court! Friend– I’m writing you just in case you didn’t see the special legal...
read more[Translate] Actually, it will be through technology and elements called social credit and carbon credit scores via one’s...
read more[Translate] 11 of 60,516 Inbox ICAN Legal Update <> Fri, Feb 18, 11:46 AM (3 days ago) to Friend Friend, The...
read more[Translate] This email is dedicated to the memory of Jim Turner who passed away quite suddenly in late January. With deepest...
read more[Translate] Could we be heading for a dystopian polar existence? 1 FEBRUARY 2022, ROY MORRISON Polar futures is an alternative future...
read more[Translate] “There is a cultivation of cruelty that has become far too dominant. The fields are full of anger and...
read more[Translate] There has been no epidemic of COVID-19 of national scope in any country, no pandemic internationally, for the general...
read more[Translate] ASHLEY DAVISON NOVEMBER 10, 2021 Advertiser Disclosure Financial Incentives And Funding For Going Green: A Guide For...
read more[Translate] David Segal, <> 2:22 PM (16 minutes ago) Casey, Today we mark the...
read more[Translate] Inbox Glenn Friendly 12:26 AM (13 hours ago) to Glenn —– Forwarded Message —– From: Glenn...
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