The Community Resilience Reader: Essential Resources for an Era of Upheaval

Sep 28, 2017 by

Richard Heinberg, Chuck Collins, Daniel Lerch, William Rees, Stephanie Mills, Joshua Farley, Asher Miller


Coming mid-October 2017 from Island Press!

National and global efforts have failed to stop climate change, transition from fossil fuels, and reduce inequality. We must now confront these and other increasingly complex problems by building resilience at the community level. The Community Resilience Reader combines a fresh look at the challenges humanity faces in the 21st century, the essential tools of resilience science, and the wisdom of activists, scholars, and analysts working with community issues on the ground. It shows that resilience is a process, not a goal; that resilience requires learning to adapt but also preparing to transform; and that resilience starts and ends with the people living in a community.

From the producers of the award-winning The Post Carbon Reader (2010), The Community Resilience Reader is a valuable resource for students, community leaders, and concerned citizens.

Contributing authors: Leena Iyengar, Richard Heinberg, Josh Farley, Chuck Collins & Sarah Byrnes, Bill Rees, Howard Silverman, Margaret Robertson, Brian Walker & David Salt, Stephanie Mills, Denise Fairchild & Al Weinrub, Rebecca Wodder, Scott Sawyer, Bill Throop, Rosemary Cooper, Mike Lydon, Daniel Lerch, Asher Miller

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