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[Translate] Video A family man, businessman and community pillar removed from Hawaii. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] Video A family man, businessman and community pillar removed from Hawaii. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] to casey Hello Friends! We are excited to announce that Vaxxed is now available on Amazon Prime Video in the U.S. and...
read more[Translate] ! This afternoon I went to Midtown Art Cinema with my husband to see VAXXED. Over the past few years, I had begun to...
read more[Translate] by Tatiana Siegel Vaxxed From Cover-up to Catastrophe After sparking outrage on both side of the vaccination debate last...
read more[Translate] nicolas genin / FlickER TRUTHDIG From “Platoon” and “Born on the Fourth of July” to “Snowden,” director Oliver...
read more[Translate] Documentaries A new PBS documentary examines the hidden figures of the Great War. By Alexandra Rosenmann / AlterNet Photo...
read more[Translate] As some of you know, in 2016 I spent some time at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation observing the Native-led...
read more[Translate] Documentaries A gripping new documentary explores the link between climate change and violent conflict. By Alexandra...
read more[Translate] By Peter Hutchison, Kelly Nyks and Jared P. Scott, PF Pictures / Gravitas Ventures | Film Trailer Noam Chomsky, in a...
read more[Translate] Documentaries Ava DuVernay’s new film “13th” takes audiences on a trajectory from the 13th Amendment to...
read more[Translate] It Is A Mathematical Certainty By Katie Herzog Academy Award–winning filmmaker James Cameron will premiere a short...
read more[Translate] Grayzone Project The problem with “Argo”: Real CIA agents using film as a cover make it dangerous to work on...
read more[Translate] The top 3 things that #VAXXED is not: a movie review Levi Quackenboss I had the honor of watching a screener of VAXXED:...
read more[Translate] ‘Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe’: Film Review by Frank Scheck Andrew Wakefield’s controversial...
read more[Translate] By David Swanson, Let’s Try Democracy | Film Review If you’ve just seen Michael...
read more[Translate] BYCASEYCOATESDANSON A great film and screening — not to be missed! For the last 20 years, notorious activists “the...
read more[Translate] Gender The film shows the horror of sexism and is full of small and not-so-small feminist moments. That’s what makes the...
read more[Translate] Dudes Ex Machina By Amelia Urry, Eve Andrews, Suzanne Jacobs, and Ana Sofia Knauf GRIST Welcome back to Green Screen,...
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