Oliver Stone on the Biggest Issue Americans Face (Video)
Editor’s note: The following video is a clip from a 19-part series filmed at a Truthdig and KPFK co-sponsored event in Los Angeles recently. The discussion features Oliver Stone, the Academy Award-winning screenwriter and director, and Robert Scheer, Truthdig’s editor in chief. The two talk about “The Putin Interviews,” a new Showtime series by Stone, as well as the published transcript, for which Scheer wrote the foreword. We are publishing one video per day. This is the 17th installment.
In the clip above, the filmmaker discusses his concerns over what he sees as American attempts to “balkanize” Russia.
On Friday, watch the next clip in the series, in which Stone discusses impeaching Donald Trump, as well as Vladimir Putin’s worldviews.
— Posted by Natasha Hakimi Zapata
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