rally poster SB276

OPPOSE SB 276: Hijacking and Elimination of Medical Exemptions by Health Department

Attend Hearing 4/24/2019 at 1:30

Calls and Emails in Opposition Needed All Week BEFORE Hearing!

by National Vaccine Information Center

We need your action this week to stop SB 276 sponsored by Senator Richard Pan which interferes with and restricts the medical exemption to mandatory vaccinations in California.

The bill was originally introduced to amend the law regarding hazardous waste and then was amended and replaced with the following provisions to:

  • Require the department to develop and make available for use by licensed physicians and surgeons a statewide standardized medical exemption request form;
  • Require the physician or surgeon to only use this form for medical exemptions and submit the form to the health department;
  • Require the state public health officer or designee to either approve or deny the exemption request;
  • Require the department to create and maintain a database of medical exemption requests approved and make the information in the database accessible to local public health officers;
  • Require anyone with a current medical exemption to submit, by July 1, 2020, a copy of that medical exemption to the department for inclusion in the database in order for the medical exemption to remain valid; and
  • Allow a local public health officer to revoke a medical exemption if it is determined it is fraudulent or inconsistent with applicable CDC guidelines.


1. Attend the Senate Health Committee hearing for SB 276 in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 24th at 1:30 pm in the John L. Burton Hearing Room 4203.

Be prepared to very quickly state your name, the organization you represent (if any), your Senate District and Senator’s name and that you oppose SB 276. Please wear business attire and be polite and respectful. Signs are not allowed inside the Capitol. Clapping or verbal interruptions are not allowed during the hearing. California State Capitol Address, Directions and Parking Map

2. Call and Email Members of the Senate Health Committee and ask them to OPPOSE SB 276. Hit the phones hard! See talking points below.

  • Senator Richard Pan (Chair) Capitol: (916) 651-4006 District: (916) 262-2904
  • Senator Jeff Stone (Vice Chair) Capitol: (916) 651-4028, Indio District Office: (760) 398-6442, Murrieta District Office: (951) 894-3530
  • Senator Maria Elena Durazo Capitol: (916) 651-4024, District: (213) 483-9300
  • Senator Shannon Grove Capitol: (916) 651-4016, Bakersfield District Office: (661) 323-0443, Yucca Valley District Office: (760) 228-3136
  • Senator Melissa Hurtado Capitol: (916) 651-4014, Fresno District Office: (559) 264-3070, Bakersfield District Office: (661) 395-2620, Hanford District Office: (559) 585-7161
  • Senator Connie M. Leyva Capitol: (916) 651-4020, Chino District Office: (909) 591-7016, San Bernardino District Office: (909) 888-5360
  • Senator Holly J. Mitchell Capitol: (916) 651-4030, Los Angeles District Office: (213) 745-6656
  • Senator Bill Monning Capitol: (916) 651-4017, Monterey District Office: (831) 657-6315, San Luis Obispo District Office: (805) 549-3784, Santa Cruz District Office: (831) 425-0401
  • Senator Susan Rubio Capitol: (916) 651-4022, West Covina District Office: (626) 430-2499


Senator.Pan@senate.ca.gov, Senator.Stone@senate.ca.gov,
Senator.Durazo@senate.ca.gov, Senator.Grove@senate.ca.gov,
Senator.Hurtado@senate.ca.gov, Senator.Leyva@senate.ca.gov,
Senator.Mitchell@senate.ca.gov, Senator.Monning@senate.ca.gov, Senator.Rubio@senate.ca.gov

1. Visit or call and email your own California Assembly Member and Senator and ask them to OPPOSE SB 276. If you do not know who your California Assembly Member or State Senator are, or their contact information, you can login to the NVIC Advocacy Portal, click on the “State Teams” tab and then “My State,” and your elected officials are automatically posted on the right hand side of the page. See talking points below. You can also find your legislators here.

2. Login to the NVIC Advocacy Portal OFTEN to check for updates. We review bills and make updates daily. Bills can change many times over the legislative process and your timely visits, calls, and emails directed at the correct legislators are critical to this process.

3. Please forward this to family and friends and ask them to register for the NVIC Advocacy Portal and share their concerns with their legislators as well. You can also forward this alert on Facebook by looking for the posting on the National Vaccine Information Center’s Facebook Page.

TALKING POINTS [Please personalize your messages to your legislators by including your vaccine reaction, death or harassment experiences and how your child’s health and safety would be endangered with passage of this bill by the state intercepting and rejecting legitimate medical exemptions based on your child’s and family health history as determined by your child’s doctor.]

Vote NO on SB 276!

It is inappropriate for The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), a state agency of unelected bureaucrats, to be given legal authority to hijack the private patient physician relationship by being placed in the position to reject doctor issued medical vaccine exemptions.

Confining vaccine exemptions to narrow and incomplete Centers for Disease Control published contraindications hurts children. Vaccine manufacturer package inserts list many more vaccine contraindications and potential adverse reactions that are being ignored by this bill.

Forcing physicians to violate their professional judgment and their conscience is a form of state-sponsored tyranny that should not be part of public health law in any state, especially in California where parents who witness vaccine reactions in their family no longer have the protective safety of the personal belief exemption due to another bill, SB 277 in 2015, by the same bill author.

It is important for a physician who knows the child to be the one taking into consideration the complete medical history of the child and their family, which the health department doesn’t know because they have not examined the child. Every person is different, and not everybody reacts to medication or vaccines in the same way.

SB 276 discriminates against those who can’t tolerate vaccination. A child injured or killed by a vaccine is just as important as a child who gets sick from a vaccine preventable illness. The United States Government has paid out more than $4 billion dollars to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

Because the vaccine schedule is so heavy, and is growing with no end in sight, it is even more critical that a doctor maintains the responsibility without bureaucratic interference and interception to safeguard a child from a vaccine reaction throughout their lives.

Children today receive 70 doses of vaccines for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses which more than doubles the government childhood schedule of 34 doses of 11 different vaccines in the year 2000.

America’s biopharmaceutical research companies are developing more than 260 vaccines. Insuring informed consent and accurate screening by a doctor who knows the child in an arena where science is outpacing ethics and sound policy is essential.

The U.S. Vaccine Market alone was $36.45 Billion in 2018, and expected to reach $50.42 billion by 2023. This is a very powerful industry with many resources to lobby for bad bills on vaccine policy that continue to drive up business for vaccine manufacturers at the expense of consumer safety.

This bill also wrongly requires government surveillance and exemption status stored by the health department on law abiding loving parents and their children as if they are some kind of criminals when their child simply has a medical reason to delay or decline vaccination.

VOTE NO on SB 276.

National Vaccine Information Center. Source.

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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.


Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages

“The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”

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Make a Statement for Health Freedom!

Big Pharma and government health authorities are trying to pass laws mandating vaccines for all children, and even adults.