Senator Richard Pan is pushing a bill that would make it a “crime” for anyone to question vaccines

Jun 28, 2018 by

Fake News. The term that didn’t even exist five years ago has now become everybody’s favorite way to suppress free speech. The latest person to jump on the censorship bandwagon is California’s Senator Richard Pan, the very same politician who has already done untold damage by mandating vaccinations for all Californian schoolchildren with his infamous SB277 bill of 2015.

As reported by Natural Health 365, Senator Pan has proposed a new bill entitled “SB1424 Internet: social media: false information: strategic plan,” which would make it a crime to raise questions about any “official story” put forth by the government. That, of course, would include the official vaccine story, namely that all vaccines are good, safe and side effect free, and that a healthy nation is a vaccinated nation. (Related: The dirty history of Big Pharma’s scientific censorship, oppression and destruction of human knowledge.)

Why SB1424 is dangerous

Natural Health 365 explained how this bill would threaten free speech and the right to question the official vaccine narrative:

Any person operating an Internet site in California would be obligated to develop a strategic plan to verify any news stories shared on the site. The plan must also have measures to mitigate the spread of false information by using fact-checkers to verify the stories and provide outreach to social media users. A “fake news” warning must be placed on any news story that contains false information.

The bill, if it passes, will require agencies of the California government to develop numerous laws for its enforcement, including penalties for so-called “speech criminals.”

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If, for example, someone in the independent media published a story about the dangers of vaccines and their toxic ingredients, that person would have to include a warning that the content was fake (since it deviates from the “official” story), or risk penalties for being a speech criminal. (Related: Find out what they’re hiding from you at

Censorship disguised as a form of “protection”

And just who would get to decide what is right and wrong, true and false? Where will these official “fact checkers” come from, and which way will their viewpoints be slanted? After all, we are all biased for or against things based on our own life experiences. (Related: Mainstream media fails to expose government censorship of news.)

Breitbart News noted:

It is not clear who would appoint the “fact-checkers.”

Currently, Facebook uses fact-checkers approved by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), an organization run by the Poynter Institute, which in turn is funded, in part, by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation and other liberal organizations.

It would be easy for government agencies to eliminate all sources of opinion that deviate from the official narrative by first targeting the largest organizations and news outlets that routinely express non-mainstream opinions, and slowly working their way down to the smaller organizations and finally to any individual who dares to express a contrary opinion.

Slowly but surely, censorship is being presented as a wholesome way to control the facts that we are all exposed to – a way to protect us from fake news and the spread of misinformation. It is important to recognize, however, that we have the right to hear both sides of every story and form our own conclusions.

Government interference like that which would surely arise from the implementation of proposed bill SB1424 strips us of the right to assess the validity of information for ourselves – a right which each one of us should cherish.

Read for more coverage of the dangers of vaccines. Visit for news about restrictions on the freedom to think.

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