ICAN Demands VRBPAC Decline to...
[Translate] 11 of 60,516 Inbox ICAN Legal Update <info@icandecide.org> Fri, Feb 18, 11:46 AM (3 days ago) to Friend Friend, The...
read more[Translate] 11 of 60,516 Inbox ICAN Legal Update <info@icandecide.org> Fri, Feb 18, 11:46 AM (3 days ago) to Friend Friend, The...
read more‘Shameful Does Not Even Begin to Describe’ Trump EPA Decision on Chemical Known to Damage Children’s Brains
read moreFrom School Lunch to SNAP, New Attacks on Kids’ Health and Nutrition
read moreIn the United States, those who are vaccine risk-aware have much to be concerned about right now.
read moreGovernment health officials and the mainstream media claim that for every thousand children infected with measles, one will die. But that is a blatant and deliberate lie.
read more[Translate] The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout. By Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie...
read more[Translate] From BPA, MSG, pesticides, environmental chemicals, household cleaners, toxins in vaccines and prescription drugs, our...
read more[Translate] The CDC’s Massive VACCINE DAMAGE COVER-UP – The VSD System… The CDC and the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) Contractors are...
read more[Translate] By Honora Montano, New America Media | Report Children are among the most vulnerable to the health impacts of climate...
read more[Translate] The film Vaxxed could be outlawed in California, if this bill passes… California bill AB 1671 “Let’s see, Mr. Reporter....
read more[Translate] The top 3 things that #VAXXED is not: a movie review Levi Quackenboss I had the honor of watching a screener of VAXXED:...
read more[Translate] Get it together, guys ~ Levi Quackenboss What a moment we’re having right now, huh? In the past year and a half we’ve...
read more[Translate] by Bryce Covert Mar 26, 2016 10:59 am CREDIT: AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogas Discredited former doctor and anti-vaccination...
read more[Translate] The Festival co-founder says he’s not endorsing “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe” and isn’t...
read more[Translate] This is an astonishing interview. The public statements made by Dr. Wakefield here were some of the most damning...
read more[Translate] Are Vaccines Safe? Are Immunizations Safe? How to Cure Autism-ADD Burton Goldberg...
read more[Translate] by Casey Coates Danson The following article is a must to read. The public and mothers especially, seek have no idea...
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