‘Going in the Wrong Direction’...

Jun 2, 2020 by

‘Going in the Wrong Direction’: More Tropical Forest Loss in 2019

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Fears of Bolsonaro’s Thr...

May 8, 2020 by

Fears of Bolsonaro’s Threat to Amazon Realized as New Data Shows Rainforest Destruction Up 55%

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‘There’s No More Water’: Clima...

Apr 17, 2020 by

‘There’s No More Water’: Climate Change on a Drying Island

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‘A common germ pool’: The frig...

Mar 18, 2020 by

‘A common germ pool’: The frightening origins of the coronavirus

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Demand For Palm Oil Is Burning...

Mar 12, 2020 by

Demand For Palm Oil Is Burning Indonesia

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Amazon Deforestation Is Causin...

Feb 12, 2020 by

Amazon Deforestation Is Causing 20% of Forests to Release More Carbon Than They Absorb

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The destruction of the Amazon,...

Nov 25, 2019 by

The 2019 fires were just the tip of the iceberg. 

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Timebomb’: Fires devastate tig...

Nov 20, 2019 by

Another heavy fire season in Indonesia has taken a toll on the country’s remaining forest. In Sembilang National Park, on the island of Sumatra, fires raged into primary forest that provides vital habitat for critically endangered Sumatran tigers and elephants.

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As 2019 Amazon fires die down,...

Oct 23, 2019 by

This year’s August Amazon fires grabbed headlines around the world.

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Why Amazon Fires Keep Raging 1...

Oct 10, 2019 by

Many of the thousands of fires burning in Brazil’s Amazon are set by ranchers. A deal inked 10 years ago was meant to stop the problem, but the ecological arson goes on as the Earth warms.

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Conservation group to buy larg...

Sep 23, 2019 by

The 530-acre forest has hundreds of ancient giant sequoia, including the fifth-largest tree known on the planet.

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Deforestation Is Getting Worse...

Sep 13, 2019 by

As fires in the Amazon draw attention to the problem, critics say big agribusinesses aren’t doing enough to stop deforestation in their supply chains.

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Artist plants a living forest ...

Sep 12, 2019 by

Austria’s Wörthersee football stadium is now thriving with life in an installation that is as beautiful as it is chilling.

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Planting Trees Is Good. Elimin...

Aug 9, 2019 by

The UN report says we just have to stop cutting them down.

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Indonesian flooding disaster b...

Aug 8, 2019 by

TAPUWATU, Indonesia — Muhammad Arfa says he thinks a miracle saved his home.

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Ethiopia plants 350 million tr...

Aug 1, 2019 by

Ethiopia’s ambitious national reforestation program seeks to plant 4 billion trees by October.

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Ravaged by Drought, a Honduran...

Jul 8, 2019 by

People in El Rosario live on the edge of hunger, not knowing if the next harvest will come. Climate change is a driving force of food insecurity.

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Cargill promised to end defore...

Jul 8, 2019 by

In 2014, the world’s largest agribusiness, Cargill, announced it would stop buying palm oil, rubber, and other commodities from farmers who cut down forests to grow their crops.

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High-income countries are driv...

Jun 17, 2019 by

Consumer demand for meat, soy, palm oil, and more has resulted in 60% of primate species facing extinction.

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An (Even More) Inconvenient Tr...

May 22, 2019 by

Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing

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The Simple, Yet Elusive, Key T...

May 9, 2019 by

Preserving and restoring forests is an effective step toward mitigating climate change, and comes with a host of other benefits.

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Bolsonaro Wants to Plunder the...

Jan 30, 2019 by

The Brazilian president’s pro-business agenda will be a test of American companies’ commitment to the environment.

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We Need To Talk About Palm Oil

Dec 24, 2018 by

We eat it, clean our homes and bodies with it and even fuel our cars with it. But our insatiable demand for palm oil is wreaking havoc on the planet — and our climate.

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The Left Lung of the Planet &#...

Nov 10, 2018 by

Africa’s Congo Basin is home to the second-largest rainforest on the planet. But according to a new study, this may soon not be the case. It finds that at current rates of deforestation, all primary forest will be gone by the end of the century.

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Paradise Threatened: Fiji’s Wa...

Oct 24, 2018 by

The South Pacific nation faces major environmental challenges, from the destruction of coral reefs to rising sea levels. At least one resort is asking tourists to help.

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Extractive industries threaten...

Jul 19, 2018 by

[Translate] by Mike Gaworecki news.mongabay.com. According to a recent report, mining companies currently have claims on 11 percent...

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Brazilian court blocks aboliti...

Sep 15, 2017 by

[Translate] Judge says president Michel Temer went beyond his authority in issuing decree to dissolve Renca, after fury from...

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Earth’s Sixth Mass Extin...

Sep 9, 2017 by

[Translate] Lorraine Chow   ECOWATCH.COM Africa’s giraffe population has plunged almost 40 percent in the past 30 years. Photo...

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Jul 6, 2017 by

[Translate] Deforestation in Brazil is at a nine-year high. President Michel Temer’s political horse trading could make it...

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Mar 2, 2017 by

[Translate]   By Jan Rocha / Climate News Network   VIA TRUTHDIG     Gold and iron ore are two of the many minerals found in the...

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