Western Colorado Water Purchas...
Western Colorado Water Purchases Stir Up Worries About The Future Of Farming
read moreWestern Colorado Water Purchases Stir Up Worries About The Future Of Farming
read moreStaggering quantities of food are being destroyed due to coronavirus
read moreFrom Antarctica to agricultural fields, plastic waste is everywhere across the globe. We should be very concerned as this is yet another threat to our ability to feed ourselves.
read moreThe Midwest floods revealed another benefit of sustainable agriculture: fields that had been farmed with conservation practices recovered faster.
read morePerdue, Vilsack and leading agricultural groups gathered in a Maryland barn to talk about the farm-country issue that dare not speak its name.
read moreMy articles for Yale Climate Connections have focused on steps various sectors might take to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.
read moreIowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses bring the state a lot of political attention during presidential election cycles. But in my view, even though some candidates have outlined positions on food and farming, agriculture rarely gets the attention it deserves.
read moreIt seems like every Democratic presidential candidate wants to get farmers sucking carbon out of the air and sticking it in the ground.
read moreDemand for plant-based protein is driving rapid growth, while crops like corn and soy stagnate.
read moreAll eyes have been on the state’s hog farms, while its poultry operations have quietly tripled in number over the past two decades with little oversight.
read moreNew York wants to fight climate change through good farming. Here’s the dirt.
read moreFew Americans think much about where their food comes from, let alone the dirt it grows in. But in the US Midwest and Plains some farmers are looking to the soil to improve their crops and protect the environment.
read morePresident will sign memo directing agencies to review standards that conservatives argue are keeping water from farmers
read moreU.S. farmers are bringing in what’s expected to be a record-breaking harvest for both corn and soybeans.
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read more[Translate] George Monbiot THE GUARDIAN.COM The Earth cannot accommodate our need and greed for food. We must change our diet...
read more[Translate] Food Climate-friendly and empowering for women and youth, regenerative practices represent the next stage of organic...
read more[Translate] Environment Humanity is on track to deplete the world’s soils within 60 years. There’s a solution—but we may...
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read more[Translate] In order to receive development assistance, Tanzania has to give Western agribusiness full freedom and give enclosed...
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read more[Translate] Food Each generation has had one common desire: to live a more honest, ethical life of self-sufficiency and oneness with...
read more[Translate] By Thacher Schmid, Medium | Op-Ed Rosata Hezumuryano, a Burundi refugee who founded Happiness Family Farm at New...
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read more[Translate] Forget coal. This is how to revive rural America. Maddie OatmanMay/June 2017 issue MOTHER JONES JoHee Yoon For half a...
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