“The Nile Is Ours”
A fight over the world’s longest river is a preview of climate change diplomacy.
read moreA fight over the world’s longest river is a preview of climate change diplomacy.
read more[Translate] News & Politics The increased tempo of the GOP’s snatch and grab in recent days suggests that they’re...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Andrew Bacevich and Bill Moyers talk Trump and Kim Jong Un. By Bill Moyers / BillMoyers.com Photo...
read more[Translate] ◀ Grayzone Project Posing as Trump’s most dogged critic, Tapper has become the face and voice of American regime media....
read moreThe president is remarkably consistent when it comes to pushing coal, oil, and gas on foreign leaders
read more[Translate] By Michael T. Klare / TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG Melania and Donald Trump arriving in Saudi Arabia in May....
read more[Translate] By Juan Cole / Informed Comment TRUTHDIG.COM Saudi Arabia has gotten too big for its britches, and the oil-producing...
read more[Translate] Is he pushing a coal-based world order? By Michael T. Klare THENATION.COM Smoke rises out of factories in Thailand’s...
read more[Translate] Israel’s occupation is only made possible by unquestioning US support—but a day of reckoning is on the way. By Rashid...
read more[Translate] Investigative reporter Allan Nairn links Trump associates to terrorist plots in Indonesia. By Amy Goodman / Democracy...
read more[Translate] Josh Israel Senior investigative reporter for ThinkProgress Contact me: jisrael@thinkprogress.org The real losers from...
read more[Translate] Ahmed Rashid nybooks.com Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images The rubble of a home destroyed by reported coalition...
read more[Translate] By MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM and SYDNEY EMBER NYTIMES Photo President Trump and the first lady, Melania Trump, on Air Force...
read more[Translate] By William D. Hartung / TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG Sebastian Dooris / Public Domain At over $600 billion a year...
read more[Translate] Foreign Policy Donald Trump China The question is not if an international conflict will escalate, but when. By Michael T....
read more[Translate] Robert Borosage The following was originally published in The Nation As the presidential campaign hobbles through its...
read more[Translate] The US just bombed Yemen, and no one’s talking about it Moustafa Bayoumi THE GUARDIAN.COM We need answers from...
read more[Translate] By Robert Parry / Consortium News VIA TRUTHDIG Fabian Bromann / CC-BY-2.0 Through an endless barrage of ugly...
read more[Translate] SALON.COM The award-winning director of “Snowden” condemned U.S. warmongering and foreign policy in an...
read more[Translate] Middle East The U.S. and Russia reached a deal on Syria’s cease-fire. Here’s how it happened. Play Video1:07...
read more[Translate] By Sonali Kolhatkar TRUTHDIG Hillary Clinton raised $143 million in August—and still finds herself in a tight race with...
read more[Translate] Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump fielded inane national security questions with few follow-ups from Matt Lauer Simon...
read more[Translate] Bernie Sanders should call on her to repudiate him as the war criminal he is. By Greg GrandinTwitter THE NATION Former...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Anti-war activist Ron Kovic alongside Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer. (Eric Ortiz) Truthdig...
read more[Translate] Wonkblog By Max Ehrenfreund and Jim Tankersley THE WASHINGTON POST Clinton on the campaign trail View Photos The former...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Hillary Clinton as secretary of state in 2011. (United States Mission Geneva / CC BY-ND 2.0) Hillary...
read more[Translate] By Anne Applebaum THE WASHINGTON POST A German rescuer from the humanitarian organization Sea-Watch holds a drowned...
read more[Translate] “Our defense contractors await your business.” That was the message behind Obama and Carter’s visits to...
read more[Translate] Dave Johnson CAMPAIAGN FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE President Obama is in Vietnam promoting the Trans-Pacific...
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