On Israel, Sanders Is Right (A...
[Translate] Election 2016 What a surprise to hear a Jewish candidate for president speak so courageously about the country where he...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 What a surprise to hear a Jewish candidate for president speak so courageously about the country where he...
read more[Translate] From Yemen to Syria to Arizona, droughts are a growing threat. —By Nathan Halverson MOTHER JONES WVillagers ride donkeys...
read more[Translate] War & Peace How the United States became a prisoner of war and Congress went MIA. By Andrew Bacevich | BILLMOYERS.com...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Marjorie Cohn Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign event at Hillside...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI)...
read more[Translate] Nicholas Kristof NYTIMES By ROOPA GOGINENI and NICHOLAS KRISTOF Atrocities are being committed by a government...
read more[Translate] —By Kevin Drum MOTHER JONES David Sucsy/iStockphoto Yesterday at lunch, I was mulling over all the familiar laments...
read more[Translate] Our policies and actions routinely go against our oft-stated ideals. Here’s how to examine the lies and spin...
read more[Translate] Nothing to be proud of: The real American exceptionalism is selling the most weapons in the world — by far By selling...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Obama, Hillary, Cheney and others pretend Trump has gone too far, while themselves guiding murderous...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG / Common Dreams Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock From her call for a major air and ground war against ISIS to her...
read more[Translate] Twelve years after the invasion of Iraq, the Middle East is more volatile than ever. Welcome to permanent war Peter Van...
read more[Translate] W made matters worse, but the region’s radicalization can all be traced to our steady support of the Shah of Shahs...
read more[Translate] How Henry Kissinger Helped Create Our “Proliferated” World By Greg Grandin, TomDispatch | VIA TRUTHOUT The...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Chomsky challenges all the big assumptions and myths around this deal. Al Jazeera America via...
read more[Translate] SALON.COM When we go to war with ISIS, Congress does not declare it. When we try to make peace with Iran, Congress...
read more[Translate] America’s drone program is a travesty — and a mystery even to its executors So many U.S. officials are involved...
read more[Translate] By David Swanson, teleSUR WORLD BEYOND WAR The National Security Archive has posted several newly available documents,...
read more[Translate] Crowds gathered after former Guatemalan dictator Efraín Ríos Montt was found guilty of crimes against humanity. (AP...
read more[Translate] Republicans THE GUARDIAN The GOP candidates use innuendo and coded language to push the need for ground troops into...
read more[Translate] (AP Photo/Rahimullah Yousafzai) Early in 2009, just before Barack Obama took office, I shared an elevator with Michael...
read more[Translate] By Eugene Robinson TRUTHDIG Security forces defending their headquarters against attacks by Islamic State...
read more[Translate] Paul Krugman Surprise! It turns out that there’s something to be said for having the brother of a failed president...
read more[Translate] News & Politics A strategy that failed utterly back then would later be applied full scale to the war on terror with...
read more[Translate] President calls several top lawmakers to insist deal is good for America Congress demands say over the fine print of the...
read more[Translate] World The United States might end up as a footnote in the long history of Afghanistan. By Dilip Hiro / TomDispatch VIA...
read more[Translate] By William Pfaff TRUTHDIG Rock Cohen (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) PARIS—Britain, illness Germany and France are all posting signs...
read more[Translate] THE DAILY BEAST Better Off? Michael Shermer argues that science has not only improved our lives materially but morally...
read more[Translate] By Jasmin Ramsey, Inter Press Service | Report Washington – Women are running some of the United States’...
read more[Translate] World The United States deployed special forces to 70 percent of the nations on earth. By Nick Turse / Tom Dispatch ...
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