HPV Vaccine War: Parents Will ...
[Translate] Michelle Snyder and her daughter Ashley were interviewed by the VAXXED team about the Gardasil vaccine. Ashley developed...
read more[Translate] Michelle Snyder and her daughter Ashley were interviewed by the VAXXED team about the Gardasil vaccine. Ashley developed...
read more[Translate] “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment...
read more[Translate] Dr. Sin Hang Lee NIH: Marketing HPV vaccines via censorship? by Norma Erickson SaneVax.org As an employee of the National...
read more[Translate] Matt Agorist THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT.COM To date there have been an astounding 31,741 adverse events, 10,849...
read more[Translate] In an unprecedented move, the American College of Pediatricians has issued a warning against a vaccine that has been...
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