What We Know About the Suspici...
Obama, Clinton, Soros, Holder, Brennan, Waters, and CNN were targets.
read moreObama, Clinton, Soros, Holder, Brennan, Waters, and CNN were targets.
read more[Translate] NATURAL NEWS: Mike Adams (Natural News) We have truly reached the point in American history where criminal indictments...
read more[Translate] © Getty Images President Trump is set to repeal an Obama-era order requiring tougher new building standards for...
read more[Translate] Activism It’s time to universalize resistance. By Medea Benjamin / AlterNet Photo Credit: Diego G Diaz /...
read moreExcerpt of speech by Oliver Stone at Writer’s Guild Awards 2017
read more[Translate] Andrea Flynn and Alyson Silkowski, Roosevelt Institute | News Analysis (Photo: UCI UC Irvine) Donald...
read more[Translate] AMMO.COM President Barack Obama has received much credit for drawing down American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan,...
read morePresident Frankenstein, Donald Trump, has been pretty much the bizarre “insane clown president” (Matt Taibbi’s phrase) that I and many others expected. He’s only shocked me twice….
read more[Translate] Jim Hoft THE GATEWAY PUNDIT.COM A massive amount of data on 47 hard drives from a government whistle blower was turned...
read more[Translate] By Daniel Chaitin WASHINGTON EXAMINER Autoplay: On | Off The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward warned on Wednesday...
read more[Translate] Day No. 46 THE BIG STORY: This is not normal, and this cannot be viewed as acceptable, or just another Twitter rant. The...
read more[Translate] MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Why didn’t the DC Press Corps ask the hard questions in...
read more[Translate] Dr. Holdren weighs in on climate science, denial, and why every president needs a science adviser. President Barack Obama...
read more[Translate] By Mary Wood, Charles W. Woodward IV and Michael C. Blumm, The Conversation | News Analysis Also See: Judge Won’t...
read more[Translate] Environment Big Coal isn’t happy. By Reynard Loki / AlterNet President Barack Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris...
read more[Translate] Earth & Energy FUTURISM Green4Sea In Brief Oil drilling in areas falling within the U.S. and Canada’s...
read more[Translate] Briefly Stuff that matters GRIST water wars REUTERS/Rebecca Cook That’s according to a Reuters investigation that...
read more[Translate] We still do not know the extent of Russian hacking. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet Photo Credit: cspan.org There’s...
read more[Translate] Environment The president has established a strong environmental legacy. But there’s more he can do to help the...
read more[Translate] Climate Tom Cahill USUNCUT.COM While the U.S. Department of Justice temporarily halted construction of a section of the...
read more[Translate] By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan VIA TRUTHDIG More than 12 million people voted for Bernie Sanders in the...
read more[Translate] By Steven Mufson and Brady Dennis THE WASHINGTON POST Interior Secretary Sally Jewell speaks at a gathering in 2015....
read more[Translate] Samantha Page Climate Reporter at @ThinkProgress. The new five-year plan protects parts of U.S. oceans until 2022. Rig...
read more[Translate] By Robert Parry / Consortium News VIA TRUTHDIG Fabian Bromann / CC-BY-2.0 Through an endless barrage of ugly...
read more[Translate] Revisit the history before the Clean Power Plan goes to court. CLIMATE PROGRESS Mountains of coal; wind turbine. CREDIT:...
read more[Translate] U.S. DAILY NEWS Well guys, Rand Paul may not have a shot in hell of being President after what Trump did to him, but...
read more[Translate] Max Goldberg (To follow my day-to-day organic food adventures, please be sure to add me on Snapchat: maxorganic) On late...
read more[Translate] By Glen Ford / Black Agenda Report TRUTHDIG Exile on Ontario St. / CC BY-SA 2.0 Black activists confronted police terror...
read more[Translate] Nicholas Kristof Photo A man with a child after a bombing in Aleppo in June. Credit Thaer Mohammed/Agence France-Presse —...
read more[Translate] MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH TRUTHOUT On July 29, President Obama signed a bill that is a setback for our...
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