5 Organizations Representing 5...
[Translate] The public turned out in mass in California in 2015 to oppose SB277 which removed parental rights to refuse vaccines...
read more[Translate] The public turned out in mass in California in 2015 to oppose SB277 which removed parental rights to refuse vaccines...
read more[Translate] The plaintiffs are acting as Private Attorney General, which is in our right as private citizens. This is a...
read more[Translate] By Andy Whiteley Co-Founder of Wake Up World In June 2016 Bill SB277 was controversially signed into Californian State...
read more[Translate] Editorial Preschool students interact in Redondo Beach in 2015. (Los Angeles Times) The Times Editorial Board Sen....
read more[Translate] Thursday, January 12, 2017 by: Vicki Batts NATURAL NEWS.COM (NaturalNews) California is no stranger to controversy. In...
read more[Translate] How do I know we are winning? Easy? Reactions to our efforts are getting more strident. Near panic reigns… Opinion by...
read more[Translate] “…it is utterly unimportant how large a space this alternative occupies: its power does not consist in its...
read more[Translate] Judge Sabraw: here’s something you didn’t know about the DPT shot… Jon Rappoport | Infowars.com – August 27, 2016...
read more[Translate] No one is exempt anymore. Vaccines Credit: Shutterstock According to reports, one school district in Sacramento...
read more[Translate] The following open letter by a PhD Immunologist completely demolishes the current California legislative initiative to...
read more[Translate] by Kent Heckenlively, JD | The legal fight over SB 277 looks very promising to me, and I am aware of how even in the...
read more[Translate] By Kent Heckenlively, JD SB277 Court Docs I’ve been thinking a great deal about the fight against SB 277 and mandatory...
read more[Translate] The debate over vaccine choice and medical freedom in California is heating up. The legality of the state’s new medical...
read more[Translate] by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen So, I called attorney Jim Turner about 5:00AM PST this morning and say “Where’s the case,...
read more[Translate] JEFFREY JAXON.COM While most of the nation was looking the other way, California signed into law Senate Bill 277 (SB277)....
read more[Translate] While most of the nation was looking the other way, California signed into law Senate Bill 277 (SB277). What was once...
read more[Translate] by Greg Glaser, Attorney at Law I help moms & dads & doctors understand and protect their rights under the new...
read more[Translate] A Sad Day for Medical Freedom: California Removes Religious and Personal Vaccine Exemptions by Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D....
read more[Translate] SB 277 signed into Law and is EFFECTIVE July 1, 2016 Governor Brown signed SB 277 the most stringent vaccine mandate in...
read more[Translate] Tim Donnelly starts effort to repeal Rebecca Plevin APParents rallied against SB 277 outside the Capitol in Sacramento...
read more[Translate] California just outlawed personal exemptions for vaccines. Cue the “Vetoed Parenthood” backlash Mary...
read more[Translate] A CALL TO ACTION – Today and Tuesday are big days needing your action to protect the personal belief...
read more[Translate] Are Vaccines Safe? Are Immunizations Safe? How to Cure Autism-ADD Burton Goldberg...
read more[Translate] NOW WHAT? BILL PASSED YESTERDAY, PARENTS UNITE! Those children who are not completely up-to-date on every state...
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