[Translate] Middle East ‘We are desperate’: Iraqis flee Fallujah, only to find another nightmare Civilians fleeing the siege of...
read more[Translate] Middle East ‘We are desperate’: Iraqis flee Fallujah, only to find another nightmare Civilians fleeing the siege of...
read more[Translate] The Conversation By ARTHUR C. BROOKS and GAIL COLLINS NYTIMES Photo A sand artist in India added finishing touches to a...
read more[Translate] Syrian women and children refugees at Budapest railway station. (photo: Wikipedia) By Robert Parry, Consortium News More...
read more[Translate] “Who rules the world?” This is one of those perennial questions. In the past, it has been empires or dominant...
read more[Translate] World Iraqi troops fight ISIS in Fallujah Iraqi government forces battled Islamic State fighters in Fallujah on June 18,...
read more[Translate] Reuters and Washington Post have largely failed to challenge unverified claims by militaristic politicians. By Sarah...
read more[Translate] The Opinion Pages ny times Credit Marina Muun “America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms,” one...
read more[Translate] Media MOYERS & COMPANY In Trump’s world, everything’s a conspiracy and reality’s turned upside...
read more[Translate] THE WASHINGTON POST National Security Minarets share the skyline with office towers in downtown Tirana, Albania. Since...
read more[Translate] By John Kiriakou TRUTHDIG Hillary Clinton had a private email server at her home that she used for government...
read more[Translate] The Sheer Terror of Looming Biosphere Collapse The global ecological system is collapsing and dying as humanity overruns...
read more[Translate] Sonali Kolhatkar TRUTHDIG I remember watching the towers fall. My sister called early in the morning to tell me to turn...
read more[Translate] ladimir Gintoff Palmyra, Site Overview. Courtesy Flickr User: Jiří Suchomel licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 This article...
read more[Translate] (Photo: Fi Dot)HARVEY WASSERMAN OF ECOWATCH FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Article reprinted with permission...
read more[Translate] Editorial By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NYTIMES Photo The Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., on Friday. Credit Doug...
read more[Translate] European elites have a “youth revolt” on their hands. By Joshua Holland THE NATION brussels_attacks_vigil_ap_img...
read more[Translate] Truthfulness isn’t ever their goal; winning and keeping power is. By Eric Zuesse / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] Climate Change ByAndrew C. Revkin Raymond Pierrehumbert, a longtime climate scientist now at Oxford, stopped by The New...
read more[Translate] By grumpynerd VIA DAILY KOS Food rioting in Algeria, 2011. Source:Wikimedia.org It’s important to express solidarity...
read more[Translate] NYTIMES – NICHOLAS KRISTOFIn the summer of 2014, the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) conducted a violent...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI)...
read more[Translate] Economy The Davos people talk about poverty and pledge money to charity. But it’s just spare change to them. By...
read more[Translate] Belief There are quite a few prescriptions for terrorism in the Bible. By Valerie Tarico / AlterNet Photo Credit: Mega...
read more[Translate] By Leslie Salzillo DAILY KOS Screen_Shot_2015-12-09_at_12.27.19_PM.png White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest On...
read more[Translate] Environmental changes are splintering the power structure. By Tom Engelhardt / Tom Dispatch Photo Credit: Bruce...
read more[Translate] Comedians Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert and John Oliver all took time during their late-night shows over the past few days...
read more[Translate] President Obama commented Friday that Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria is driving moderate opposition...
read more[Translate] By Aram Sinnreich TRUTHDIG Ruins in the ancient city of Palmyra, Syria, before the country was plunged into...
read more[Translate] By Fredrik Elisson and Janine di Giovanni NEWSWEEK Iraqi soldiers take direction from American trainers during an...
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