Rukmini Callimachi is one example. She covers ISIS, through extensive on-the-ground reporting around the world, as well as online, tracking the group through encrypted chat rooms.
read moreRukmini Callimachi is one example. She covers ISIS, through extensive on-the-ground reporting around the world, as well as online, tracking the group through encrypted chat rooms.
read more[Translate] The last thing the elite wants is an informed, empowered public mobilizing any grassroots movement to oppose government...
read more[Translate] to Stevfor 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), a 501(c)(3) educational charity. Since AE911Truth was launched in 2006, more than...
read more[Translate] Human Rights The Trump administration just classified its first American prisoner from the battlefields of Syria...
read more[Translate] Public intellectual and foundation executive Colin Greer reminds us that George W. Bush created intense trauma for...
read more[Translate] By CHARLOTTE McDONALD-GIBSON nytimes Credit Michelle Thompson BRUSSELS — The 9-year-old boy didn’t like school. He...
read more[Translate] by Marcella VAXTRUTH.ORG Written by Marcella Piper-Terry, M.S., Founder of I admit to being a lazy...
read more[Translate] By Paul Buchheit Guest Writer for Wake Up World Donald Trump said, “I’m going to make our military so big, so...
read more[Translate] Medea Benjamin THEGUARDIAN.COM Selling weapons to Saudi Arabia has consequences. The intense anti-US sentiment in...
read more[Translate] by Michael Riley and Jordan Robertson BLOOMBERG Attackers said to take measure of voting systems, databases A ‘red...
read moreThe world loses as destruction and mayhem know no bounds.
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG.COM “In our culture and society, it’s considered very courageous to send a huge bomb somewhere,” Noam...
read more[Translate] By Bill Blum TRUTHDIG.COM Donald Trump and Bill Clinton meeting at Trump Tower in 2000. (Ralph Alswang /...
read more[Translate] The Right Wing Chomsky warns of scapegoating vulnerable people: “That can turn out to be very ugly.” By Jan...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 The frightening rise of authoritarian populism in the West is a very real, clear and present danger. By...
read more[Translate] Turkey and Russia say they will continue to seek solution to end Syria conflict as Andrei Karlov’s body is repatriated...
read more[Translate] Terrorist attacks using vehicles are very hard to prevent – but there are safety measures cities can use, experts say....
read more[Translate] World The forces that swept a narcissistic misogynist into office are gunning for us all. By Paul Buchheit /...
read more[Translate] Post-9/11, the threat of terrorism has justified detention, incarceration and mass surveillance Azadeh Shahshahani and...
read more[Translate] Nicholas Kristof NYTIMES The world is a mess, with billions of people locked in inescapable cycles of war, famine and...
read more[Translate] President Barack Obama, left, followed by Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Chinese President Xi Jinping, leave...
read more[Translate] By Bill Moyers / Moyers and Company Gunnar Sigurður Zoega Guðmundsson / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Before the terrorists...
read more[Translate] Most buildings had been built with defenses against total collapse, but progressive collapse was poorly understood...
read more[Translate] Author: Hadar Sela ALGEMEINER.COM Tags: Gaza Rockets israel Israel Media Bias Israel Rocket Attacks Israel Terrorism...
read more[Translate] Grayzone Project Chomsky and Emran Feroz talk Obama’s political legacy in the Middle East, the deal with Iran and...
read more[Translate] A look at the storylines that will frame the Rio Games, from environmental issues to housing to the Zika virus Michael...
read more[Translate] WORLDPOST Local officials said scores more were also injured in the attack. 07/14/2016 05:41 pm 17:41:49 | Updated 2 days...
read more[Translate] Politics THE WASHINGTON POST A man lights a candle on flowers he placed near the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka,...
read more[Translate] By Tom Hayden, The Nation | Op-Ed Activists protest in a demonstration against the war in Iraq in San Francisco,...
read more[Translate] Our brains are wired to feel more empathy for people who look like us. Luckily, we’re capable of closing the gap...
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