Sweeping changes are on the wa...
Sweeping changes are on the way for Alaska lands and wildlife
read moreSweeping changes are on the way for Alaska lands and wildlife
read moreNRDC Sues US EPA For Continuing To Allow Use Of Toxic Weed Killer Glyphosate
read moreA new study raises concerns about the decline of platypus populations. UNSW Science
read moreAnother heavy fire season in Indonesia has taken a toll on the country’s remaining forest. In Sembilang National Park, on the island of Sumatra, fires raged into primary forest that provides vital habitat for critically endangered Sumatran tigers and elephants.
read moreThe UK instituted the world’s toughest ban on ivory last year which eliminated all sales of ivory and rankled collectors and dealers.
read moreThe changes also let the government consider economic interests and could open doors to oil and gas drilling and mining in sensitive areas, including the Arctic.
read moreEPA said studies it considered, most of which were sponsored by industry, found sulfoxaflor isn’t dangerous for the pollinators
read moreA damning report by WWF puts the worsening condition of Planet Earth into perspective
read moreAs temperatures climb, ranaviruses cause more frog deaths over a longer part of the year, according to a new study.
read moreHumans are transforming Earth’s natural landscapes so dramatically that as many as one million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction, posing a dire threat to ecosystems that people all over the world depend on for their survival, a sweeping new United Nations assessment has concluded.
read more“With the seasons increasingly unpredictable, fewer chicks will survive,” narrates series host Bear Grylls (of Man vs. Nature fame) as the barnacle goose chick seems to contemplate its onscreen fate.
read moreMove ‘would save 10% of all endangered birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles’
read moreA new report describes the 10 species most at risk from policies proposed by the current administration.
read moreWe live in an ecosystem where plants and animals depend upon one another for survival.
read more[Translate] This Land is Your Land Colorado A nearby town is suing over fears that the land, once home to a nuclear weapons facility,...
read more[Translate] Conservation By Carl Safina • e360yale.edu A number of biologists have recently made the argument that extinction is part...
read more[Translate] The Guardian By Keith Kahn-Harris From vaccines to climate change to genocide, a new age of denialism is upon us. Why...
read more[Translate] Environmentalists say lifting the restriction poses a grave threat to pollinating insects Reuters The Trump...
read more[Translate] Environment Republican-led changes to the Endangered Species Act put plants and animals across America at risk. Here are...
read more[Translate] img.youtube.com Sen. John Barrasso, Republican of Wyoming, released draft legislation Monday to significantly overhaul...
read more[Translate] Petty Officer 3rd Class Tom Atkeson / U.S. Coast Guard / MCT via Getty Images Climate Desk By Oliver Milman GRIST.ORG...
read more[Translate] By Mary Ann Bragg CAPECODONLINE.COM Whale scholars, lobstermen, conservationists and government officials converge...
read more[Translate] New bill omits key ‘precautionary’ principle requiring developers and industry to prove actions will not harm wildlife or...
read more[Translate] Lorraine Chow ECOWATCH.COM Africa’s giraffe population has plunged almost 40 percent in the past 30 years. Photo...
read more[Translate] Freedom-of-information data reveals threat of drought that would devastate wildlife, with government slow to act on water...
read more[Translate] Apart from building a wall or physical barrier along the United States–Mexico border that was conceived with malevolent...
read more[Translate] Environment President signed an executive order to review areas potentially rich in fossil fuels that were put out of...
read more[Translate] Johannesburg, South Africa The Constitutional Court in South Africa has reportedly dismissed an appeal by South Africa’s...
read more[Translate] Pollution Presence of manmade chemicals in most remote place on planet shows nowhere is safe from human impact,...
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