[Translate] Trevor Timm THE GUARDIAN The drone strikes in Yemen are a reminder that the ‘rules’ are virtually meaningless. That sets...
read more[Translate] Trevor Timm THE GUARDIAN The drone strikes in Yemen are a reminder that the ‘rules’ are virtually meaningless. That sets...
read more[Translate] (AP Photo/Rahimullah Yousafzai) Early in 2009, just before Barack Obama took office, I shared an elevator with Michael...
read more[Translate] News & Politics A strategy that failed utterly back then would later be applied full scale to the war on terror with...
read more[Translate] UN agency says at least 77 children have been killed in conflict since 26 March, and also warns of looming malnutrition...
read more[Translate] Chris Hedges Posted on Jan 11, thumb 2015 By Chris Hedges Broken pens were placed in a pool of simulated blood Friday...
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