Is America headed for a war in...
Is America headed for a war involving Iran? Actually, we’re already mired in one: the unconscionable war in Yemen.
read moreIs America headed for a war involving Iran? Actually, we’re already mired in one: the unconscionable war in Yemen.
read moreThe United States supplies bombs and other support for the war that’s killed civilians…
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read more[Translate] By Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh, Democracy Now! | Video Interview United Nations officials say Yemen will face the...
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read more[Translate] By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Video Interview In his first foreign trip abroad as president, Donald Trump traveled...
read more[Translate] KATHY KELLY FOR BUZZFLASH (Photo: A bombed-out home in Yemen. Creative Commons )The ruins carpeted the city market,...
read more[Translate] Ahmed Rashid Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images The rubble of a home destroyed by reported coalition...
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read more[Translate] By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan DEMOCRACY NOW FMSC / CC BY 2.0 The world is facing the most serious humanitarian...
read more[Translate] By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Video Interview The Trump administration is seeking billions of dollars in cuts in...
read more[Translate] By Juan Cole / Informed Comment TRUTHDIG The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs...
read more[Translate] by Ivana Kottasova CNN MONEY Your video will play in 00:19 The spike was fueled by conflicts...
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read more[Translate] By Patrick Cockburn / TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG dynamosquito / CC BY-SA 2.0 This piece first appeared at...
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read more[Translate] With falling oil prices and new players, Saudi Arabia’s power is ebbing. By Vijay Prashad / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] By Sarah Lazare / Common Dreams VIA TRUTHDIG President Obama and King Salman meet in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in...
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read more[Translate] Supporting Saudi attacks on Yemen is a way for the U.S. to show the Saudis that Iran is still a mutual adversary. By...
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