“Do the right thing and call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Palestine”?

May 18, 2021 by

Your senators are among the 21 Democrats who did not join their colleagues in calling for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Palestine over the weekend. Their silence is unacceptable and will echo on as hundreds of civilians—who are disproportionately Palestinian—lose their lives. We must hold Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alejandro Padilla accountable and demand that they advocate for a ceasefire now.

Will you join other MoveOn members across the country and call Sens. Feinstein and Padilla now to say, 

Here’s where to call: 855-912-2982

If both your senators did not call for a ceasefire, hang up after the first call and call back the same number to be connected to your other senator.

Sens. Feinstein and Padilla did not join Senator Jon Ossoff and 29 other Senate Democrats calling for an immediate ceasefire on Sunday even after Israeli forces

  • attacked Muslim Palestinians praying in Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan;1
  • used tear gas, stun grenades, and rubberized steel bullets to inflict violence on any Palestinian resistance;
  • began forcibly and violently evicting families from Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, including in Sheikh Jarrah;and
  • leveled a Gaza media tower housing the Associated Press and Al Jazeera through airstrikes.3

Given the United States’ long-standing relationship with the Israeli government, it is important that our elected officials denounce the violence impacting people in Palestine and Israel and call for an immediate ceasefire before more lives are lost.

The longer Sens. Feinstein and Padilla remain complacent in silence, the greater the suffering and loss of life. Military action will never bring about a just and peaceful resolution between Israelis and Palestinians, and there will be more destruction and casualties without a ceasefire.

Call Sens. Feinstein and Padilla now at  855-912-2982 and say, “Be on the right side of history and call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Palestine.”

Thanks for all you do.

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