Dear Casey,
We have a few upcoming opportunities for you to rise, love and resist with us in Los Angeles this holiday season!
Enough is enough. The Saudi government continues their war on the people of Yemen by creating conditions for the greatest humanitarian crisis on the planet. On December 11th across the country, at their Embassy, Consulates, and in Congress, CODEPINK will SAY NO to the Saudi war on the people of Yemen that has been fueled by U.S. weapons and support. Join with us in LA.!
When: Monday, December 11 at 12:00pm
Where: Consulate of Saudi Arabia, 2045 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles 90025
RSVP to let us know you will be attending, and contact Taylor with any questions
For our December Local Peace Economy gathering, CODEPINK’s own Paula Kahn will lead a presentation about Decolonizing Organizing. Colonialism facilitated the development of the war economy. It is crucial that we examine our own place in upholding systems of oppression if we are to move from this violent war economy to one of peace and justice. Paula will explain how we can better support targeted populations, and decolonize our hearts, minds and bodies. We will employ our agency to heal ourselves as we move into 2018 and beyond!
When: Wednesday, December 13 from 6:00pm–7:30pm
Where: Venice, CA
RSVP to receive the address for this gathering, and contact Taylor with any questions
In peace and solidarity,
Claudia, Jodie, Mariana, Mark, Mary and Taylor
P.S. Join Paula Kahn at Downtown LA Federal Bldg, December 10th, International Human Rights Day, 1:00pm–3:00pm
- Unite Against Imperialism
- No to US Militarism and Poverty
- Yes to International Solidarity.
- Rally and performances celebrating the resistance.
- Contact Paula if you want to join with her.
Invest in #Peace this holiday season! Holiday gift packages available at the CODEPINK store!
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