The U.S. Border Patrol and an ...
[Translate] On the southwestern end of the Tohono O’odham Nation’s reservation, roughly 1 mile from a barbed-wire barricade marking...
read more[Translate] On the southwestern end of the Tohono O’odham Nation’s reservation, roughly 1 mile from a barbed-wire barricade marking...
read moreThe images flew around the world. The teepees. The tear gas. The Indigenous water protectors’ camps.
read more[Translate] Activism On South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Reservation, Nick Tilsen is upending entrenched poverty and rebuilding his Lakota...
read more[Translate] REUTERS/Terray Sylvester dakota access By Sabrina Imbler GRIST Police raided and razed the prayer camp that once hosted...
read more[Translate] Local News By Jenni Monet CJR.ORG Monet, who was arrested while covering a protest against the Dakota Access oil...
read more[Translate] A growing group of military veterans are willing to put their bodies between Native American activists and the police...
read more[Translate] Justice On Wednesday, Seattle’s Affordable Housing, Neighborhoods and Finance Committee voted unanimously to...
read more[Translate] Environment A dispatch from the DAPL protests in New York City. By Stephen Kent / AlterNet Dakota Access...
read more[Translate] Sean Spicer strongly hinted it would happen, but didn’t offer specifics. By Michael Arria / AlterNet ...
read more[Translate] When President Obama held the eighth White House Tribal Nations Conference last fall, all 567 federally recognized tribes...
read more[Translate] The tribe, along with scores of activists, fought for months to stop the pipeline’s construction. Kim Bellware...
read more[Translate] Department is also offering assistance to law enforcement from division that led reform efforts following protests and...
read more[Translate] This summer, Tim Mentz Sr. took to YouTube to tell the world about the destruction of his cultural heritage. A former...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Nearly a foot of snow has blanketed Standing Rock since Monday. (Standing Rock Rising / Facebook)...
read more[Translate] By Kelly Hayes, Transformative Spaces | Op-Ed Water fired from the water canons that battered protesters in freezing...
read more[Translate] By Brian Bienkowski, Environmental Health News | Report Anti Dakota Access pipeline activists display a sign at the...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG 11:06 a.m. PDT Wednesday: Those protesting the creation of the Dakota Access Pipeline have a new ally:...
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